Projects: Transport Layer#

A common first computer graphics program is to bounce a ball around the screen. In this chapter, you’ll take that classic program and have the ball bounce from one computer to another by using the network! It is the simple beginnings of a networked game. As we work our way to that goal, you’ll start by learning to make a TCP connection and send data using Python. Then we’ll learn multiple ways of receiving that data. After that, you’ll do the same thing, but using the Java programming language. The first two tutorials work with single packets, but in the third project, Multi-packet Messages, you start to work with sending and receiving messages that must be broken apart due to their size. Finally at the end of the chapter is one of my favorite projects: create an animated bouncing ball that will use the network to pass the ball from one computer to another.

Tutorial: Make and Capture a Simple TCP Connection#

In this project you get to learn the steps for making and monitoring connections on a network:

  • Write code to send a TCP message in Python

  • Write code to receive a TCP message in Python

  • Capture the exchange in Wireshark

  • Examine the process packet-by-packet

This tutorial works best if you have two different computers hooked up by a network. If only one computer is available, you can still have the computer create a virtual connection to itself. However, if you are using only one computer and running Windows, Wireshark will not be able to capture the packets. Mac and Linux don’t have this limitation.

Write Code to Send a TCP Message#

With the code in Listing 46 you can send a message via TCP to another computer. If you don’t want to retype the code, you can download it from GitHub.

When creating a network connection, we have both a server and a client. The server is the computer that listens for a new network connection request. The client is the computer that sends that request to the listening server. In this example, Listing 46 acts as the client, while Listing 47 acts as the server.

In Listing 46 (the client code) after the line of code that says server_ip_address =, you need to update that with the IP address and port of the computer that will be running the server code (line 4). Don’t enter the client IP address. (Although you can connect back to your own computer using and run both the server and client on the same machine.)

The program stores our message to be sent in the my_message variable (line 9). The computer assumes the message will arrive in the form of an array of individual bytes. If you’ll remember from Projects: Physical Layer Python strings are in Unicode format and support characters that might take multiple bytes. You can pre-pend a string with “b” to force a one-byte-per-letter string. If your program needs to convert regular text to a byte array, you can use the built-in encode function and something called UTF-8 encoding:

my_byte_array = my_string.encode("utf-8")

Then to convert from a byte array back to a string:

my_string = my_byte_array.decode("utf-8")

The line that defines my_socket creates a variable that holds your networking socket (line 13). It does not create the connection; it gets a variable ready to manage it. The constants AF_INET and SOCK_STREAM come from the original UNIX networking code written in C.

With (line 18) you set up the socket connection. A socket connection occurs between two IP addresses and two ports. The client specifies the server address and port. For example, you might connect from your client at to your destination server at The client uses a random open port number for the connection (ephemeral port, see Theory: Networking Layer), but must specify the exact port number of the server. The server must be listening on that same port or no connection will be made. This call performs the TCP handshake discussed in Theory: Transport Layer to create the connection.

We use my_socket.sendall() to send the message (line 21). The statement my_socket.close() ends the connection (line 24). If you forget this step and simply end your program, you leave connections open on the server side as it waits for a response that will never come. This omission wastes resources.

Use my_socket.sendall() instead of my_socket.send(). The send command is a lower-level command that does not guarantee the command will send all of the data, forcing the program to check and attempt to re-send the parts that were not sent.

Listing 46 (client)#
 1import socket
 3# IP address and port of where we'll send the message.
 4server_ip_address = ''
 5server_ip_port = 10000
 7# Message to be sent. Stored as a byte array.
 8# (Hence the b at the front.)
 9my_message = b"Hello, World!"
12    # Create a socket for IPv4 (AF_INET), TCP stream (SOCK_STREAM)
13    my_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
15    # Connect to this specified server and port
16    # Note that Python expects ip and port as a list
17    destination = (server_ip_address, server_ip_port)
18    my_socket.connect(destination)
20    # Send the message
21    my_socket.sendall(my_message)
23    # Close the socket
24    my_socket.close()
26except ConnectionRefusedError:
27    print("Client refused to accept the connection.")
29except Exception as e:
30    print("Error: ", e)
32print("Done sending message.")

GitHub also has the program that is the same code, with additional code to time each network step. Here’s my computer connecting to another on my same home network:

If you run both the client and the server on the same computer, the connection happens crazy-fast and the computer will tell you everything happens in zero time. Instead, run the client and server on different computers so that you can see the time it takes to send the messages.

Setting up the connection took 0.064599 seconds
Data sent in 0.000031 seconds
Closed connection in 0.000039 seconds

Notice that setting up the connection takes a long time compared to sending the data? If you plan to make multiple calls, it is a good idea to keep the connection open. In fact, setting up the connection is so slow, it limits you to about 10-20 calls per second if you do them sequentially.

Write Code to Receive a TCP Message#

Sending data doesn’t do much good without a program to receive it. Let’s write code to do just that. This first code sample uses a blocking call where the code will wait until it has a connection, and wait until it receives data. The wait blocks the code from doing anything else, like respond to the user or even decide to quit. While we don’t normally program this way, it is the easiest code understand and therefore the best place to start.

First, the code specifies the size of our buffer to receive the data (line 5) This will be the maximum number of bytes we will process at one time. Since the max size of a TCP/IP packet is 64 kilobytes, we use \(64 \cdot 1024 = 65,536\) bytes for our buffer size.

Next, we specify the IP address and port the server will listen to (lines 13-14). This should be the address of the server. Both Listing 46 and Listing 47 should use the same address, the IP of the server. The server should use the same address, the IP of the server. The server listens to that address, and the client connects to that address. The most frequent mistake I’ve seen people make is to use the client address for one of those programs. (If you are running both sending and receiving code on the same computer, you can use for everything.)

This server code creates a socket just like the client code in Listing 46, but instead of requesting a connection, we listen for a connection by “binding” the socket to the address and port we are listening on , followed by the listen command. The listen command takes a parameter indicating how many connections it will accept at once. We’ll just accept only one connection at a time in this example.

The code starts listening at  with the accept command. It will run no further until a new connection comes in. Once we have a connection, we will read in data with the recv command , figure out the address of who sent the data , then convert from an array of bytes to a regular Python string . Finally, we print the results and close the connection to the client . This code assumes we’ll get all the data in one packet. We’ll handle multiple packets in a later example. We stop listening for new connections by closing the socket .

Listing 47 (server)#
 1import socket
 3# This is your buffer size.
 4# You can't receive anything more than the buffer size at one time.
 5BUFFER_SIZE = 65535
 7# This should be the IP address of the computer you run this
 8# code on (the server). It should be the SAME IP address that
 9# the client hooks up to.
10# Note: If you use '' you can only receive connections
11# from the same computer. Outside computers cannot connect to a
12# computer listening to
13my_ip_address = ''
14my_ip_port = 10000
16# Create a socket for sending/receiving data
17my_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
19# Tell the socket it will be listening on my_ip_address, and my_port.
20# Note that Python expects ip and port as a list
21listen_to = (my_ip_address, my_ip_port)
24# We are going to be listening as a server, not connecting as a client.
25# So we call the 'listen' method of our socket.
26# The "1" specifies the size of the backlog of connections we allow before
27# refusing connections. If we specify 1, then once we pick up a connection
28# we won't accept any others until we close the current connection.
31while True:
33    connection = None
34    try:
35        # Get a connection, and the address that hooked up to us.
36        # The 'client address' is an array that has the IP and the port.
37        connection, client_address = my_socket.accept()
39        # Read in the data, up to the number of characters in BUFFER_SIZE
40        data = connection.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)
42        # Print what we read in, and from where
43        client_ip = client_address[0]
44        client_port = client_address[1]
46        # Decode the byte string to a normal string
47        data_string = data.decode("UTF-8")
49        print(f"Data from {client_ip}:{client_port} --> '{data_string}'")
51    except Exception as e:
52        # Whoa Nelly! Was there an error?
53        print("Unable to receive the message.", e)
55    finally:
56        # Close the socket. No socket operations can happen after this.
57        # If there was more data to send, you would not want to do this.
58        # You would want a loop of 'recv' and keep the 'accept' and 'close'
59        # out of that loop.
60        if connection:
61            connection.close()
63# Because we have a 'while True' loop we'll never get here. But this
64# is the proper code to run when you want to shut down the socket properly.

If you get the error “Requested address is not valid in its context” you may be trying to listen on an IP address that isn’t your own. The receiving code should listen to its own address, which we learned how to do at the beginning of Projects: Networking Layer. The sending code will send to that same server address. The sending code’s address doesn’t appear in either program; the receiving IP appears in both programs. Just like mailing a letter, you write the destination address on the envelope, not your own.

While Listing 47 isn’t hard to understand, you don’t typically program by using blocking calls as the program will stay in a waiting state until it receives something. In this situation, there is no way to gracefully end the program. The program is “hanging” and you’ll have to force it to quit.

If you are familiar with using threads while programming, you might think to put this code in a separate thread. This approach lets you perform other tasks, but it isn’t a good solution. You still can’t tell the threads to gracefully shut down and must force them to quit.

You need a better way.

Receive TCP Message, Non-Blocking#

Behold! A better way has arrived. To write code that doesn’t hang waiting for input, you set up a loop to constantly look for new data from the network. You can use this loop to not only process incoming network data, but also check for user input and do anything else you’d like. The code is a bit more complex to write.

In Listing 48 we have updated code for the server. This code defines how long to wait between checks for new data from the network (line 21). In this case, we’ll check every 0.1 seconds. If we don’t include this delay, the computer can check for new input thousands of times each second, wasting CPU resources. Next, we have to keep track of the state that we are in (lines 23-28). Specifically, are we connected to a client computer, or do we have no connection? We start off with no connection.

To keep the code from blocking when we receive data, we need to set a timeout (lines 33-34). By setting the timeout to zero, the code will immediately continue if there is no data and not pause at all.

Once our variables are set up, we start the main event loop, looping over and over to either receive a new connection or process data (line 54). If no client is currently connected, we see if there is one waiting (lines 57-62). If not, we wait and try again (lines 64-65). If a client is connected we try to receive a packet of data . If there is data, we close the connection and wait for the next connection, otherwise we pause and next loop through we’ll see if the data has arrived.

The astute reader will notice that with an infinite loop, the socket close will not happen . This is a simple example without a user interface. If you expand this example and use it with a program that has an interface, make sure to close the socket properly when the program ends.

Listing 48 (server)#
 1import socket
 2import time
 4# This is your buffer size.
 5# You can't receive anything more than the buffer size at one time.
 6BUFFER_SIZE = 65535
 8# This should be the IP address of the computer you run this
 9# code on (the server). It should be the SAME IP address that
10# the client hooks up to.
11# Note: If you use '' you can only receive connections
12# from the same computer. Outside computers cannot connect to a
13# computer listening to
14my_ip_address = ''
15my_ip_port = 10000
17# We will loop until we get a connection or we get data. We don't want
18# to check thousands of times per second for these because that would
19# max our CPU. If we have nothing to do, how long we wait before we
20# check again.
21DELAY = 0.1
23# We need to build a "state machine" that keeps
24# track of if we are connected or not
28current_state = NO_CONNECTION
30# Create a socket for sending/receiving data
31my_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
33# Make the socket non-blocking
36# Tell the socket it will be listening on my_ip_address, and my_port.
37# Note that Python expects ip and port as a list
38listen_to = (my_ip_address, my_ip_port)
41# We are going to be listening as a server, not connecting as a client.
42# So we call the 'listen' method of our socket.
43# The "1" specifies the size of the backlog of connections we allow before
44# refusing connections. If we specify 1, then once we pick up a connection
45# we won't accept any others until we close the current connection.
48connection = None
49client_ip = None
50client_port = None
52while True:
54    # If we have no connection, then see if we can build a connection
55    if current_state == NO_CONNECTION:
56        try:
57            # Get a connection, and the address that hooked up to us.
58            # The 'client address' is an array that has the IP and the port.
59            connection, client_address = my_socket.accept()
60            client_ip = client_address[0]
61            client_port = client_address[1]
62            current_state = CONNECTED
63        except BlockingIOError:
64            # There was no connection. Wait before checking again.
65            time.sleep(DELAY)
67    # If we have a connection, receive data
68    if current_state == CONNECTED:
69        try:
70            # Read in the data, up to the number of characters in BUFFER_SIZE
71            data = connection.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)
73            # See if we have data
74            if len(data) > 0:
76                # Decode the byte string to a normal string
77                data_string = data.decode("UTF-8")
79                # Print what we read in, and from where
80                print(f"Data from {client_ip}:{client_port} --> '{data_string}'")
82            # Close the socket. No socket operations can happen after this.
83            # If there was more data to send, you would not want to do this.
84            # You would want a loop of 'recv' and keep the 'accept' and 'close'
85            # out of that loop.
86            # Normally you'd send some kind of 'special' data that would indicate
87            # you are done.
88            current_state = NO_CONNECTION
89            connection.close()
91        except BlockingIOError:
92            # There was no data. Wait before checking again.
93            time.sleep(DELAY)
95# Because we have a 'while True' loop we'll never get here. But this
96# is the proper code to run when you want to shut down the socket properly.

To get these code samples working, put and possibly on a computer you designate as your client. Then put and on the computer designated to be the server. Update the IP addresses in the examples to contain the server address. If you are using one computer for both the server and the client, use as the address.

Start the server program first, then start the client.

Capture the Packets#

After you have the code examples working, use Wireshark to examine precisely what data goes across the network. (Remember, due to a limitation with Windows, you can’t capture packets using Windows if both the client and server are the same computer.) You can filter the results to see only the packets you care about by entering tcp.port == 10000 for the filter, and clicking the arrow at the far right, as shown in Fig. 100. You should end up with about eight packets. In Fig. 100 the client computer was and the server was

Capturing a TCP message in Wireshark.

Fig. 100 Capturing a TCP message in Wireshark.#

How does the theory we learned in Chapter 8 match up to the data we captured? Opening a connection is a sequence of three packets, a SYN, a SYN-ACK, and a ACK. You should be able to find those three in your capture.

The data is sent in one packet. You can click on the packet and see the data as shown at the bottom of Fig. 100. It should also be the only packet that has a data length of more than zero. In the example, I sent “Hello World!” which added up to 13 bytes. Because it isn’t a full buffer, the packet might be marked as being pushed, with a PSH.

After sending the data, both the client and the server will signal they are ready for to close the connection with a FIN packet. Both those packets must be acknowledged before the connection is considered closed.

Notice that Wireshark shows a relative sequence number as shown in Fig. 101. The random sequence number that TCP starts with (0c 3b 4c 33 in this example) is automatically subtracted out. This 32-bit sequence number is the same sequence number we talked about in Chapter 8.

Sequence Numbers in Wireshark are Relative

Fig. 101 Sequence Numbers in Wireshark are Relative#

Keep experimenting to see if data is really buffered before it is sent; for example, you can try multiple send commands in a row:


Does the receiving program get these all as one packet? Or three different packets? Or two? As explained in Chapter 8, you should see two packets. The first one has a 1, the next packet holds the 2 and 3.

Tutorial: Send Data via Java#

Not all code is written in Python, and we don’t want to be limited to only one language. This example shows how you can use the same concepts we learned with Python and apply them to another language. There are some differences though, and it is worth learning how languages can handle things differently. In this case we’ll look at Java. In this tutorial we’ll perform the same network operations using Java. The procedure for sending code with Java is as straightforward as the one you used in the first project in this chapter to send code with Python.

To get started, we need to install Java. If you are working on the Raspberry Pi, you can install the Java language with:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install default-jdk

Java code can be compiled with:


Once compiled, a file can be run with:

java SendData

The Java program in Listing 49 specifies what server and port to connect to (lines 9-10), just like the Python program in Listing 46. The program specifies the message to be sent, but doesn’t need to explicitly worry about Unicode strings and byte arrays like Python does (line 11). Java sets up the socket without requiring separate steps to create and bind (line 13) like Python does. The line of code saved there is lost as we set up a PrintWriter for output.

Next, we print the data which causes it to be sent (line 17). Note that we need to specifically “flush” the print writer. If autoFlush is set to false, Java will keep buffering data until the buffer is full (which might not happen with short messages), or when we call the print writer’s flush() method. If autoFlush is set to true, we don’t need to call flush, the data will automatically get sent after each print even if the buffer isn’t full.

Just like in Python, we need to close the socket when done (line 20).

Listing 49
 5public class SendData {
 7    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
 9        InetAddress serverAddress = InetAddress.getByName("");
10        int serverPort =  10000;
11        String myData = "Hello world!";
13        Socket socket = new Socket(serverAddress, serverPort);
15        boolean autoFlush = true;
16        PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), autoFlush);
17        out.print(myData);
18        out.flush();
20        socket.close();
22        System.out.println("Done sending message.");
23    }

You can receive data using Java as well. The code in Listing 50 is equivalent to the blocking version of the Python program in Listing 47:

Listing 50
 7public class ReceiveDataBlocking {
 8    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
 9        // Set up the socket
10        int port = 10000;
11        int backlog = 1;
12        InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName("");
13        ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(port, backlog, address);
15        // Accept a connection
16        System.out.println("Accepting connections...");
17        Socket client = server.accept();
18        String clientAddress = client.getInetAddress().getHostAddress();
19        System.out.println("\r\nNew connection from " + clientAddress);
21        // Read in the message
22        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(client.getInputStream()));
23        String data = null;
24        data = in.readLine();
26        // Print the message
27        System.out.println("\r\nMessage from " + clientAddress + ": " + data);
29        // Close the connection
30        server.close();
31        System.out.println("Done");
32    }

If you run the Java code on a Mac, you might get an error related to permissions. If so, get around the error by compiling the file on the command-line and running it as a super-user:

sudo java ReceiveDataMultipleMessages

The data sent does not depend on the language. You can send from Java and receive in Python or vice-versa. Give it a try.

Tutorial: Multi-Packet Messages#

The prior tutorial assumed you were sending and receiving a message that would fit in one packet. However, if you sent a message larger than one packet in size, you’d receive only the first packet of data when you do a connection.recv(). Instead, you need to loop and keep receiving data until the end of the message. This tutorial shows you how to do that. Also, by working with multi-packet messages, you also get to see the sliding window in action.

First, you need to adjust the code in the client program which sends data, and instruct it to send lots of data. That’s easy to do. See Listing 51. We create a constant to specify how many bytes we want our message to be. From there, you can use Python’s string-multiplication to quickly create an array filled with the letter X which we do in the next line. Also in that line, you need some way to signify the end of the message. Typically we do this with a special character that signifies “end of message.” In this case, you’ll signify the end of a message with a line feed \n character. That’s the only thing we need to modify on our client program.

Listing 51 Code segment from at
 message_size_in_bytes = 600000
 my_message = b"X" \* (message_size_in_bytes - 1) + b"\\n"

Now the server code receiving the message needs to be updated. Because our data doesn’t come all at once, Listing 9-7 creates a full_message  variable that we will use to store the entire message. While it isn’t necessary, we are keeping track of how many different “chunks” we receive the data in . We receive data just like before , keep a count of each chunk of data received , and add it to the full message . We then check the end of the message (in Python, you can use negative one as a list index to get the last character) to see if that character is a line feed (ASCII value 10, or \n) . That’s the signal that we are done sending the message and there’s no need to wait for more data.

Listing 52 (server)#
  1import socket
  2import time
  4# This is your buffer size.
  5# You can't receive anything more than the buffer size at one time.
  6BUFFER_SIZE = 65535
  8# This should be the IP address of the computer you run this
  9# code on (the server). It should be the SAME IP address that
 10# the client hooks up to.
 11# Note: If you use '' you can only receive connections
 12# from the same computer. Outside computers cannot connect to a
 13# computer listening to
 14my_ip_address = ''
 15my_ip_port = 10000
 17# We will loop until we get a connection or we get data. We don't want
 18# to check thousands of times per second for these because that would
 19# max our CPU. If we have nothing to do, how long we wait before we
 20# check again.
 21DELAY = 0.1
 23# We need to build a "state machine" that keeps
 24# track of if we are connected or not
 28state = NO_CONNECTION
 30# Our full message. Starts empty.
 31full_message = b""
 33# We will keep receiving data until we get a \n. Once we see that, we'll set
 34# done to true.
 35done = False
 37# Keep track of how many chunks of data we receive.
 38chunks = 0
 40connection = None
 41client_ip = None
 42client_port = None
 45# Create a socket for sending/receiving data
 46my_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
 48# Make the socket non-blocking
 51# Tell the socket it will be listening on my_ip_address, and my_port.
 52# Note that Python expects ip and port as a list
 53listen_to = (my_ip_address, my_ip_port)
 56# We are going to be listening as a server, not connecting as a client.
 57# The "1" specifies the size of the backlog of connections we allow before
 58# refusing connections.
 61while not done:
 63    # If we have no connection, then see if we can build a connection
 64    if state == NO_CONNECTION:
 65        try:
 66            # Get a connection, and the address that hooked up to us.
 67            # The 'client address' is an array that has the IP and the port.
 68            connection, client_address = my_socket.accept()
 69            client_ip = client_address[0]
 70            client_port = client_address[1]
 71            state = CONNECTED
 72        except BlockingIOError:
 73            pass
 75    # If we have a connection, receive data
 76    if state == CONNECTED:
 77        try:
 78            # Read in the data, up to the number of characters in BUFFER_SIZE
 79            data = connection.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)
 80            chunks += 1
 82            if len(data) > 0:
 83                print(f"Data from {client_ip}:{client_port} '{data}'")
 85            # Append this chunk to the full message
 86            full_message += data
 88            # If we get a \n, then assume we have received all the data.
 89            if full_message[-1] == 10:
 90                # Close the socket. No socket operations can happen after this.
 91                state = NO_CONNECTION
 92                connection.close()
 93                done = True
 95        except BlockingIOError:
 96            pass
 98# Close the socket. No socket operations can happen after this.
101print(f"Done receiving message.")
102print(f"Processed {len(full_message)} bytes in {chunks} chunks.")

Run this program and see if it works. This example works best if the client and server are on different computers. If we run server and client on the same computer, the computer does not have a need to break the message into parts.

Use Wireshark to capture the packets. As before, there can be a lot of unrelated packets that make it difficult to only see the data we are interested in. Apply a filter to only look for packets at the port we are interested in: tcp.port == 10000

In your packet capture, do you get one ACK packet per data packet or does one ACK cover multiple data packets? In the example shown in Figure 9-3, there is an ACK for each data packet sent. Depending on the speed of the network, the speed of the computer, and the delay you might get different results. If there are errors, you might find multiple ACKs for one data packet.

Notice the data in Figure 9-3 with sequence number 20441 being sent. The acknowledgement isn’t seen until six packets later. Try spotting the same thing in your own packet captures. This is the sliding window we learned about in Chapter 8 in action.

Overlap in Sending Data and Acknowledgements

Fig. 102 Overlap in Sending Data and Acknowledgements#

Note: Ethernet limits packets to about 1500 bytes. When you capture packets with Wireshark, do you see packets larger than this? If you do, a process called TCP segment offloading may be happening, where the network card automatically recombines multiple Ethernet packets into one TCP packet. This process saves time, but it can be confusing when doing packet traces in Wireshark, because what you see isn’t actually what hit the wire. It is possible to turn this off, but that will slow down your system.

Continue to look at the trace you captured in Wireshark for the process of closing the connection. After the client sends the FIN to close the connection, is everything done, or do you still have acknowledgements that need to be processed? Depending on the speed of your computer and network, you may or may not see several packets after the first FIN is sent. Either is normal. See how the close connection process captured under heavy traffic compares with when we just sent a few bytes.

Tutorial: Data Transmission Rates and Packet Sizes#

For this project, you’ll find out how packet size affects transmission rates and how keeping a connection open can speed up data transmission.

First, create a program that will send data in different sized chunks, starting at one byte of data per packet, as shown in Listing 9-8. This listing has a function that takes in the total number of bytes to send, along with how large each message should be . From that, it calculates how many messages to send and constructs a message of appropriate size .

Our code then loops and attempts to send our message over and over . When we are done with the message, we sent a \n instead of an X to signify to the receiver we are done .

Unfortunately for our test, the networking layer may choose to ignore this and group multiple messages together anyway. In my experience, the slower the computer, the greater the chance of this happening. By using Wireshark, we can see how the messages were grouped.

Listing 53 (server)#
 1import socket
 3# IP address and port of where we'll send the message.
 4server_ip_address = ''
 5server_ip_port = 10000
 8def send_data(total_bytes, message_size_in_bytes):
 9    """
10    Send a bunch of messages that sum "total_bytes" of data. Break each
11    message into chunks of "message_size_in_bytes". (Try to anyway.)
12    """
13    # Total number of messages to send.
14    messages_to_send = total_bytes // message_size_in_bytes
16    # Message as a byte array. (Hence the b at the front.)
17    # Send byte array with an X:   b"X"
18    # Repeat this (message_size_in_bytes - 1) times.
19    my_message = b"X" * (message_size_in_bytes - 1)
21    # Open a socket
22    my_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
23    my_socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
25    # Connect to this server, and this port.
26    my_socket.connect((server_ip_address, server_ip_port))
28    # Repeat, and send our message over and over.
29    for i in range(messages_to_send):
30        my_socket.sendall(my_message)
32    # Send a message signaling we are done sending packets.
33    my_socket.sendall(b"\n")
35    # Close the socket
36    my_socket.close()
38    print("Done")
41def main():
42    """ Main program. """
44    # How many bytes to send
45    total_bytes = 5000
47    # How big each message will be
48    message_size_in_bytes = 10
49    print(f"Sending {total_bytes:,} bytes in {message_size_in_bytes} byte chunks.")
50    send_data(total_bytes, message_size_in_bytes)

Code to receive the data is shown in Listing 9-9. If the receiver finds a \n at the end of the message, the connection will be closed . (We also check for a Y, which we’ll use this in the next section, for Listing 9-10.) Once we find the end of the message, and we print the timings and reset the message buffer .

Listing 54 (server)#
  1import socket
  2from timeit import default_timer as timer
  4# Receive info
  5my_ip_address = ''
  6my_ip_port = 10000
  7BUFFER_SIZE = 65536
  9# We need to build a "state machine" that keeps
 10# track of if we are connected or not
 15class MyConnectionHandler:
 16    """ Handle receiving data """
 18    def __init__(self):
 19        """
 20        Initialize the class
 21        """
 22        self.my_socket = None
 23        self.state = NO_CONNECTION
 25    def start_listening(self):
 26        """
 27        Open the socket for listening
 28        """
 29        print("Listening for a connection...")
 30        # Create a socket for sending/receiving data
 31        self.my_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
 33        # Make the socket non-blocking
 34        self.my_socket.settimeout(0.0)
 36        # Tell the socket it will be listening on my_ip_address, and my_port.
 37        self.my_socket.bind((my_ip_address, my_ip_port))
 39        # We are going to be listening as a server, not connecting as a client.
 40        # The "2" specifies the size of the backlog of connections we allow before
 41        # refusing connections.
 42        self.my_socket.listen(2)
 44    def handle_connection(self):
 45        """ Manage a connected socket """
 46        # Our full message. Right now it is blank.
 47        full_message = b""
 49        done = False
 50        chunks = 0
 51        total_time = 0
 53        while not done:
 55            # If we have no connection, then see if we can build a connection
 56            if self.state == NO_CONNECTION:
 57                try:
 58                    # Get a connection, and the address that hooked up to us.
 59                    # The 'client address' is an array that has the IP and the port.
 60                    connection, client_address = self.my_socket.accept()
 61                    self.state = CONNECTED
 63                    print("Connected, receiving data...")
 65                    # Start timing how long this takes.
 66                    if len(full_message) == 0:
 67                        start_time = timer()
 69                except BlockingIOError:
 70                    pass
 72            # If we have a connection, receive data
 73            if self.state == CONNECTED:
 74                try:
 75                    # Read in the data, up to the number of characters in BUFFER_SIZE
 76                    data = connection.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)
 77                    chunks += 1
 79                    # Append this chunk to the full message
 80                    full_message += data
 82                    # See if last letter is a \n or 'Y'. If so, close socket.
 83                    # 'Y' signifies end of this 'chunk', a '\n' signifies end of
 84                    # the entire message.
 85                    last_letter = full_message[-1]
 86                    if last_letter == 10 or last_letter == 89:
 87                        # Close the socket. No socket operations can happen after this.
 88                        self.state = NO_CONNECTION
 89                        connection.close()
 90                        print(f"Closing connection, total of {len(full_message)} bytes received.")
 92                        if last_letter == 10:
 93                            # Stop timing how long this takes.
 94                            total_time = timer() - start_time
 95                            done = True
 96                            print("Done receiving data")
 98                except BlockingIOError:
 99                    pass
101        # Calculate our results
102        total_bytes = len(full_message)
103        data_rate = total_bytes / total_time
105        # Print our results
106        # If you are graphing this, you might want to change the output to be
107        # easier to get into Excel.
108        print(f"Processed {total_bytes:,} bytes in {chunks:,} chunks.")
109        print(f"Total time: {total_time:.3f} seconds.")
110        print(f"Data rate: {data_rate:,.0f} bytes/second.")
111        print()
113    def stop_listening(self):
114        # Close the socket. No socket operations can happen after this.
115        self.my_socket.close()
118def main():
119    my_connection_handler = MyConnectionHandler()
120    my_connection_handler.start_listening()
122    while True:
123        my_connection_handler.handle_connection()
125    # Ok, we don't actually get here. But if we did, this is how you'd
126    # properly shut down.
127    my_connection_handler.stop_listening()

Run the code through several different sizes by changing message_size_in_bytes. You can adjust the total amount of data sent by message_size_in_bytes. Notice that while you try to send data in one-byte chunks, the computer doesn’t always listen to you. For example, on one of my runs I sent 50,000 bytes in 10-byte groupings. That should have been 5,000 groups sent. But on one of my runs, the receiver got the data in 2,318 groupings. Somewhere while sending or receiving, the data got buffered and merged together.

Try graphing the timings using a spreadsheet, as I did in Figure 9-4. This makes it obvious that I can get better data rates when I send multiple bytes at a time.

If you run this program on a Raspberry Pi you will get different results than you will from a fast laptop or desktop computer. The Raspberry Pi doesn’t run fast enough, and packets are more likely to get merged. The graph from a Raspberry Pi will look flat compared to a graph created with packets sent on desktop computers.

Graphing speed vs packet size

Fig. 103 Graphing speed vs packet size#

Tutorial: Open/Teardown Transmission Rates#

For this project, you will run the data transmission program from Listing 9-8, but adjust it to use a new connection for each “chunk” of data. This lets you see the impact of opening and closing a connection. The code for sending data via opening/closing the connection for each chunk is the same as Listing 9-8, except for an updated send_data function which is shown in Listing 9-10.

Both the sender and receiver need to know when to close the connection, so this example code adds a Y to the end of the string of X’s . Next, we pull the code for creating  and closing  the connection into the for loop. When the entire message is sent, we’ll send a \n to let the receiver know .

Try just one data point, and see the difference in the time it takes to send/receive the same amount of data. The difference can be huge. For example ,on my machine, sending 5,000 bytes in 100 byte chunks, when I open and close the connection each time it takes 8.03 seconds. If I leave the connection open it takes 0.005 seconds.

Managing network connections is important. If you have a web application that connects to the database, you can significantly speed up your application by keeping a pool of database connections open.

Listing 55 (server)#
 1import socket
 3# IP address and port of where we'll send the message.
 4server_ip_address = ''
 5server_ip_port = 10000
 7def send_data(total_bytes, message_size_in_bytes):
 8    """
 9    Send a bunch of messages that sum "total_bytes" of data. Break each
10    message into chunks of "message_size_in_bytes". (Try to anyway.)
11    """
12    # Total number of messages to send.
13    messages_to_send = total_bytes // message_size_in_bytes
15    # Message as a byte array. (Hence the b at the front.)
16    # Put a Y at the end of each chunk, a \n at end-of-message.
17    my_message = b"X" * (message_size_in_bytes - 1) + b"Y"
19    # Repeat, and send our message over and over.
20    for i in range(messages_to_send):
21        # Open a socket
22        my_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
23        my_socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
25        # Connect to this server, and this port.
26        my_socket.connect((server_ip_address, server_ip_port))
28        my_socket.sendall(my_message)
30        if(i == messages_to_send - 1):
31            # Send a message signaling we are done sending packets.
32            my_socket.sendall(b"\n")
34        # Close the socket
35        my_socket.close()
38def main():
39    """ Main program. """
41    # How many bytes to send
42    total_bytes = 5000
44    # How big each message will be
45    message_size_in_bytes = 100
46    print(f"Sending {total_bytes:,} bytes in {message_size_in_bytes} byte chunks.")
47    send_data(total_bytes, message_size_in_bytes)
48    print("Done")

Tutorial: Data Rates with Java#

You can use what you learned in the earlier Project: Data Transmission Rates and Packet Sizes, and create the same program in Java.

I covered code to send and receive data using Java in prior chapters; and it is available in the and files. (Non-blocking code in Java is much more complex than the Python code we covered earlier. We’ll stick with a blocking version.) There are example files and that are Java equivalents to the Python code. See:

Look at the example and comments to understand how it works. The concept is the same as the Python version. You might wonder, is one language faster than the other? To create benchmark timings in Java, you can use code like the following to create an elapsed time in Java:

long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
// ...
long finish = System.currentTimeMillis();
long timeElapsed = finish - start;

Try doing a packet trace for sending and receiving in Java on different computers. If you ask to send 250,000 two-byte packets, does Java also queue up the data and send it in fewer packets? If you ask to “flush” the buffer after every chunk of data, does that change the output? Does it operate faster or slower when the effective packet sizes are the same? The network should run the same no matter what language is used, but there’s no way to know for certain without trying. Practicing how to do comparison benchmarks will be useful when the next new language, framework, or networking technology comes along. Make your selection process depend on science, not sales-talk.

Tutorial: Secure Copy#

In the earlier days of the internet, files were copied from one computer to another with the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). The modern way to do this is with a protocol called Secure Copy (scp). Most operating systems now have the scp command built in. This tutorial will show you how to copy files from one computer to another via scp.

Secure copy works over SSH. For this to work, one of the computers needs to be running an SSH server. This is easy on the Raspberry Pi, and we covered it on Chapter 3 Remote Access. So you might already have it running. If your SSH server is running on “computer A”, then you can use scp on “computer B” to copy files to and from “computer A.”

The format of the command is this:

scp sounce_file destination_directory

The files can be local on your computer, or remote. The destination can also include a file name if you want to rename the file as you are copying it. If you want to copy a file to your current directory, you can use a single period as a shortcut to mean “current directory.” You can also use a tilde (~) to specify the user’s home directory. Specifying local files works just like any other command-line command.

Specifying remote files or directories looks like this:


First, specify your user name, followed by an @ character. Then specify the server name, followed by a colon. Finally, specify the file. If you don’t enter a path, it will default to the home directory of the specified user.

This example will try to copy my_file.txt from the local computer, to a remote computer named with the user Sam’s home directory:

scp my_file.txt

This command will download my_file.txt from Sam’s home directory to the current directory:

scp .

After entering the command, the computer will connect to the server and ask for the password. Like most command-line password entries, as you type the password you will not see any characters or even round circles to the screen as you type. It looks like the computer is ignoring you. It is not, just type the password and hit <enter> when done.

If you want a list of files in a directory, there isn’t a built-in command with scp to do that. However you can use SSH to do so. This command connects, runs the ls command to list all the files in the user’s home directory, and then disconnects:

ssh ls -l ~

If you do not want to type all of this to transfer files, there are GUI clients that allow the easy point, click, and drag functionality you are used to. FileZilla is a very popular program used to handle file transfer. You can also use MobaXTerm, as it allows not only file transfer, but is also an excellent SSH client.

Tutorial: Python Bouncing Balls#

One of my favorite projects while learning to program was to take a classic bouncing ball animation and extend it across multiple computers. Start with a circle that moves across the screen, bouncing when it hits the edge. Then update the program so that when a ball that reaches the right edge of the screen it does not bounce, but instead appears on the screen of the computer to the right. If you have a row of computers, you can pass the ball all the way down.

Fig. 104 shows running the program on the same computer, which is also possible if you don’t have multiple computers available.

Creating a Networked Bouncing Ball Program

Fig. 104 Creating a Networked Bouncing Ball Program#

To network the program, instead of bouncing on one of the edges, we’ll open a network connection and pass the ball information to a different computer. They’ll pick up the ball and run with it. Get a jump-start on this project with the template from GitHub:

In the comments, read the “to do” parts, and fill in the information from the and programs. Work to get the program passing the balls across multiple screens. If you get stuck, a working program is available in the same directory

Tutorial: Threaded Bouncing Balls#

One issue with the program is that there can be a slight pause when a ball hits the edge of the screen. This is because the program needs to stop and attempt to send the data over the network. One way around this is to use threads. Threads allow computers to run multiple sets of code at the same time. You can use a separate thread to receive data in your bouncing ball program. Threads can make it easier to keep different code functions separate, and you can avoid slowdowns when you are waiting for the network.

Listing 9-11 shows the basics of creating threads in Python. Below is an example of using threads in Python. We use the threading library  and create our own child class of Thread . The main processing is done in a method called run. In this case, we have a loop that just counts up every quarter second. This can be replaced with networking code that receives ball information.

To create the threads, we create an instance of our thread class and call the start method. Note that we don’t call the run method directly. The threading class will open up a new thread and call run for us.

Listing 56
 1import threading
 2import time
 5class MyThread(threading.Thread):
 6    """
 7    This class will manage a thread.
 8    """
 9    def __init__(self, thread_no):
10        """
11        Constructor. Get stuff set up, set variables.
12        """
13        super().__init__()
14        # thread_no is a label so we can track which thread is printing.
15        self.thread_no = thread_no
17    def run(self):
18        """
19        This method will be run concurrently as a separate thread.
20        """
22        # Loop and pause a bit between each loop
23        for count in range(10):
24            print(f"Thread {self.thread_no} count {count}")
25            time.sleep(0.25)
28if __name__ == '__main__':
29    """
30    Make four threads, and have them run concurrently.
31    """
32    for x in range(4):
34        # Create a new thread
35        my_thread = MyThread(x)
37        # Notice below we call "start" not "run". The "start" will call the "run"
38        # method for you, but as a separate thread.
40        # If you change "start" to "run" it will NOT be threaded, and you can
41        # see the difference.
42        my_thread.start()

See if you can move your networking code to a separate thread. If you get stuck, you can look at the program to see an example of how to do it.

Tutorial: Java Bouncing Balls#

We can also create the bouncing ball program in Java. In fact, you can run a bouncing ball program in Python, and have it pass a bouncing ball to our Java program. This is a great demonstration that the network doesn’t care what computer language you are using. A common protocol for passing data allows implementations

To get started, see the example to show how to bounce a ball in Java. Then look at the example for code on receiving data in Java in a non-blocking manner. Both can be found at the GitHub site:

See if you can adapt those examples to create a Java program that will inter-operate with our Python program and bounce balls from one computer to another by passing the data over the network.