Projects: Physical Layer#

The Raspberry Pi is an inexpensive computer with a set of metal general purpose input output (GPIO) pins. The GPIO pins either read on/off voltages (input) or let us quickly control the voltage by turning them on and off (output). A standard desktop or laptop computer doesn’t have GPIO pins. The ability to directly control voltage lets us create our own projects at the physical layer and further understand how this layer works.

For this project, we’ll implement our own physical layer by setting up a link between two Raspberry Pi computers. If you have only one Pi available, you can connect the Raspberry Pi back to itself.

First, you’ll need to purchase a kit, such as any of the following:

  • CanaKit Raspberry Pi 4 Ultimate Starter Kit

  • CanaKit Raspberry Pi 3 B+ (B Plus) Ultimate Starter Kit

  • Adafruit Budget Pack for Raspberry Pi 4, and a Raspberry Pi 4

  • Adafruit Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Starter Pack, and a Raspberry Pi 3

  • Adafruit Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Starter Pack

The instructions in this chapter assume you bought the CanaKit Raspberry Pi 3, shown in Fig. 21, but they should apply to the other kits just as well.

CanaKit Raspberry Pi

Fig. 21 CanaKit Raspberry Pi#

Make sure your kit includes a breakout board, a breadboard, and LEDs; some kits do not include these parts.

Step 1: Getting Started with the Raspberry Pi#

To get your Raspberry Pi computer up and running, you’ll need a keyboard, monitor, and mouse. In addition to the instructions here, the kit that your Raspberry Pi came in should have instructions specific to your components for getting started. There is also the excellent Raspberry Pi getting started guide here:

Raspberry Pi: Getting Started

Pull out the Raspberry Pi motherboard and place it in the case. A motherboard refers to the green circuit board, and computer refers to the case and everything inside it. The kit also comes with a breadboard, which is a white board with grids of holes that are sized to allow easy insertion of wires. One of the long sides of the breadboard should face you, and the top row on the board be the one marked as positive, if the board includes those markings. Each column of holes in the middle of the board are wired together. To connect two wires, insert them in the same column. Soldering is not required. The long rows at the bottom and top of the board are the positive and negative (also known as ground) power rails. These are connected horizontally.

Next, we need to plug in the memory card (Fig. 22). Many kits come have the memory card pre-installed with the Raspbian OS. If your card does not, refer back to the Raspberry Pi getting started website on how to set up a blank memory card. Plug in the memory card (Fig. 22). If the memory card doesn’t fit, try flipping it over. The chips on the computer can get hot while running, so heatsinks should be installed before powering on the computer to help draw that heat out and prevent damaging the chips. Install the heatsinks by peeling the paper stickers off the back and pressing them on top of the indicated chips.

Raspberry Pi Parts

Fig. 22 Installing heat sinks and memory card on the Raspberry Pi#

Get out the GPIO board, cable, and breadboard (Fig. 23). Plug the gray ribbon cable into the Raspberry Pi. Although you can insert it in two different directions, the cable should point away from the Pi. Plug the other end of the gray ribbon cable into the black GPIO board. The cable should point away from the board and not cover up the pins.

Raspberry Pi with ribbon cable

Fig. 23 Installing GPIO breakout board#

Plug the negative 5 V (5 volts) pin into the top row marked with a blue line on the white breadboard (Fig. 24). Plug the positive 3V3 (3.3 volts) pin into the bottom red line on the board. The positive pin always goes to red, while negative is either blue or black. Some boards aren’t labeled with positive or negative, but I recommend standardizing on positive to the top, negative to the bottom.

Raspberry Pi power rails

Fig. 24 Positive with red, negative with blue#

Plug the network cable (or use Wi-Fi), keyboard, mouse, and monitor into your Raspberry Pi board. Then, plug in the monitor with the HDMI cable. The Raspberry Pi detects the monitor’s resolution on start-up. Make sure to plug in the monitor before you power the board, as plugging in the power first will cause you to be stuck at a really low resolution.

Next, plug in the power supply. Your kit should come with a wall transformer and a cable with a Micro USB port at the end, though you can use any USB phone charger rated at 2.4 amps or more with a Micro USB port.

Boot up the Pi and follow the prompts to configure the operating system. Connect to your local Wi-Fi or plug in a networking cable. Select the keyboard associated with your country and download any software updates. Updates take a while, so make sure you can let the computer sit for an hour or more before starting this process.

Using the Terminal#

Once you’ve installed the operating system, you should be able to use the Pi like any Linux system. You’ll be typing in some commands rather than using only the graphical user interface (GUI). To begin typing, click the terminal icon—the black rectangle in the upper-left corner of your screen (Fig. 25).

Terminal Icon

Fig. 25 Terminal icon#

You should see a terminal window (Fig. 26). The pi@raspberrypi~ $ that appears is the command prompt.

Terminal window

Fig. 26 Terminal window#

You can enter commands for your project right after the command prompt, which provides more control than using a GUI. We’ll be issuing commands this way throughout the book.

Shutdown and Reboot#

To properly shut down the Raspberry Pi using the GUI, click the Raspberry icon in the upper-left corner of your screen and select Shutdown. If you unplug the computer without shutting it down, you run the risk of corrupting the filesystem.

You can also shut the computer down in the terminal:

sudo shutdown -h now

To reboot the Pi, enter the command:

sudo shutdown -r now

Using the terminal to shut down or reboot the computer is useful when you’re doing everything remotely, as we’ll cover next.

Remote Access#

You can set up the Raspberry Pi for remote use by connecting to a laptop or desktop and entering commands on that computer instead. This is convenient if you prefer working through a separate computer. First, enable Secure Shell (SSH) for remote access on your Pi by launching Raspberry Pi Configuration from the Preferences menu. Then navigate to the Interfaces tab and select Enabled next to SSH and click OK.

Next, to find your Raspberry Pi’s IP address, enter ifconfig after the command prompt. Search through the resulting output for the computer’s IP address, which should be right after the label inet (for example, the line should look like inet You might see multiple lines with inet that include a section for wired network (eth0) and wireless (wlan0). If you’re using Wi-Fi to connect your Pi, you’ll want the number after wlan0. If you’re using a cable, the number after eth0 will be the address you need. Ignore any entries under lo that have or (I’ll explain how to read all the parts of this output in Chapters 6 and 7.)

Once you find your Raspberry Pi’s IP address, you’ll need to perform a few additional steps to set up your Pi as remote. If you are on a Windows computer, open the Command Prompt program. If you’re on a Mac, open the Terminal program, which you can find under ApplicationsUtilities, or press cmd-spacebar and enter terminal. For both Mac and Windows, enter ssh pi@ followed by your Raspberry Pi’s IP address. For example, if your IP address is, enter ssh pi@

Once you make the connection, the terminal should prompt you for a password:

pi@'s password:

Unlike a GUI that tracks each letter you type, the terminal won’t show anything. Type in your password and press ENTER. The computer should process your password and grant you remote access.

Step 2: Dual Blinking LEDs with GPIOs#

The next step is to blink a light using light emitting diodes (LEDs). You’ll use the GPIO pins to turn the power to the LEDs on and off. Being able to visualize what’s happening with your signal helps you understand the process, so make sure this step is working successfully before moving on.

Connect the Circuit#

First, you’ll hook up your Raspberry Pi to an LED and control that LED with a program. In this circuit, you’ll need to use a resistor—which restricts the flow of electricity—because hooking up the positive and negative sides of a battery directly causes it to short-circuit. In a short circuit, the battery discharges as fast as it can, which may be more than the circuit can handle. If that happens, you’ll end up melting either the insulation off the wires or the connections themselves, rendering them useless. However, if you put in a resistor, you can slow the flow of electricity down to a reasonable amount.

Resistors have colored bands on them to tell how much electricity they resist. Resistance is measured in ohms (Ω). If the resistance value is too high, your LED will be dim because not enough electricity is flowing; too low, and too much current will flow, which can heat up and damage your electronics.

The first two color bands signify the first two digits of the resistance value. The third band is the multiplier. The last band, the tolerance, will usually be either silver (10 percent) or gold (5 percent). For example, the resistor used in Figure 3-7 has two red bands, each of which stands for 2. The third band is brown, which is a multiplier of 10, so the resistance is 22 × 10 = 220Ω. The fourth band is gold, meaning it has a tolerance of 5 percent. If the tolerance is 10 percent, the 220Ω resistor’s actual resistance might be anything from 198Ω to 242Ω. The more accurate resistance, the more expensive it is to manufacture.


To learn more about resistors and how to read their values, see Sparkfun’s Resistor Page.

To light an LED with the Raspberry Pi, pick any resistor with a brown third band and a resistance between 100Ω to1,000Ω. The kits usually come with 220Ω or 330Ω resistors, which work fine.

Set up your Raspberry Pi as shown in Fig. 27. You should already have the breakout board plugged into the breadboard from the last step.

Photo of blinking LED setup

Fig. 27 Photo of blinking LED setup#

Using a male-to-male jumper wire, connect pin 17 on the breakout board to any empty column on the right.

Now take your LED and look at the legs; the positive leg will be longer than the other. In a different hole of the same column, plug in the long, positive side of the LED to connect it to the jumper wire. Plug the short, negative side of the LED into a different column to the right. Don’t mix up the positive and negative sides; the LED won’t work if inserted backward.

Place one leg of a 220Ω red-red-brown resistor in the same column as the negative LED leg, then place the other resistor leg in the long horizontal strip hooked to the negative power, also known as the ground rail. Unlike LEDs, it doesn’t matter what direction the resistor goes in.

Your setup should look like Fig. 28.

Diagram of blinking LED setup

Fig. 28 Diagram of blinking LED setup#

If your LED is dim, you might be using a resistor with different colors that has too much resistance.

Program the LEDs#

You can now write a Python program to blink the LED ( Python program to blink the LED). To enter and run this on the Raspberry Pi, use the program Thonny, which comes pre-installed on the Raspberry Pi. Click the Raspberry menu, then click the Programming menu and select Thonny Python IDE. Create a file named Enter the code or copy and paste it from All code examples from this book are available at that URL.

Listing 2 Python program to blink the LED#
 1# Import the time library so we can pause the program for a specific time.
 2import time
 4# Use the Raspberry Pi library to control the general purpose input output
 5# (GPIO) pins.
 6import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
 8# Use a constant for our channel. Replace this
 9# if you want a different pin.
12# Use a constant for how many seconds to wait.
13# You can use 0.5 if you want a half second
16# State how we will specify our pin numbers.
17# For a more detailed explanation, see here:
21# Say we will be outputting on pin 17:
24# Loop forever
25while True:
27    # Set pin 17 high. (Turn it on.)
29    print("LED On")
31    # Wait for a second
32    time.sleep(DELAY_TIME)
34    # Set it low. (Turn it off.)
36    print("LED Off")
38    # Wait for a second
39    time.sleep(DELAY_TIME)

The constants say what GPIO channel we will use to blink the LED; in this case, #17 1. We can change this to any GPIO channel so long as the LED is physically hooked up to the specified channel. In this constants section, you can also change the delay time to something other than 1 second, and control how fast the LED blinks.

The program loops forever, turning on the LED, waiting, turning off the LED, and waiting again.

Run the program from the Thonny editor or from the terminal with:


When you set the GPIO pin high, electricity flows and lights up the LED. When you set the GPIO pin low, the LED goes out. The program should loop forever until you press CTRL-C to stop it. If the light is on when you stop the program, it’ll stay on until you disconnect power.


If the LED doesn’t light up, check that the LED’s positive and negative sides aren’t backward. Then make sure the LED leads are in the same columns as the resistor and the wire, and the cable is plugged all the way into the Raspberry Pi and not crooked.

If you’ve hooked the LED to the positive rail instead of the ground, everything will be backward—when you set the GPIO pin to low, the LED lights up; when you set it to high, it goes out. You should flip the LED so the positive leg is on the positive side of the electricity flow.

Adding LEDs#

Once you’ve finished getting the LED to blink, see whether you can make two LEDs blink at the same time. Use pins 12 and 17, and choose two different colors of LEDs. Your code should look something like Pseudocode for blinking two LEDs:

Listing 3 Pseudocode for blinking two LEDs#
 Loop forever:
     Turn on led 12
     Turn on led 17
     Turn off led 12
     Turn off led 17

Make sure you can control both LEDs at the same time and that you don’t have two loops. For a video of two blinking LEDs, see the YouTube video Physical Layer - Lab 1 - Dual Blink LEDs.

Step 3: Encode a Message with Bit Shifting#

Now, let’s encode a message onto the blinking lights. You’ll need to take a number and convert it to pulses of electricity that you can decode later. To visualize these pulses of electricity and make sure the code and circuit works, you’ll use the LEDs.

Computers store numbers in binary, which consists of only ones and zeros. In this project, we’ll turn the electricity (and the LED) on to represent a 1and turn it off to represent a 0.

Each 1 and 0 of a binary number is called a bit, and 8 bits make up a byte. Computers normally work with binary numbers in bytes, in groups of eight. For context, humans normally work in base 10, using 10 different numbers from 0 to 9. When we count to 9 and run out of possible numbers, we add to the 10s place and start again in the 1s place with 10. Binary works the same, but with only two digits, 0 and 1. Instead of a 10s place and 100s place, binary has places of 2, 4, 8, 16, and so on. How Binary Numbers Are Stored shows the pattern of how binary numbers are stored.

Table 2 How Binary Numbers Are Stored#



0000 0000


0000 0001


0000 0010


0000 0011


0000 0100


1111 1111


To perform our encoding, we need to pull out the individual 1s and 0s from our message. Converting a number or a letter into binary can be tricky. We’ll work through two examples to help get you started.

Encoding a Single Value#

The first example, seen in First step in converting a number from decimal to binary., takes a single decimal value (23) stored in the variable number_to_encode and outputs its binary value:

Listing 4 First step in converting a number from decimal to binary.#
 1# This program prints out the bits in a number.
 3# How many bits should we encode. Usually 8, or some other multiple of 8
 4bits_to_encode = 8
 6# What number do we want to encode?
 7number_to_encode = 23
 9# You can also encode letters by using ord(), which fetches
10# the value of the letter.
11# number_to_encode = ord('X')
13# Loop for each bit
14for bit_pos in range(bits_to_encode):
16    # Use a single 1, and bit shift it with << to the
17    # spot we are interested in.
18    bit = (1 << bit_pos) & number_to_encode
20    # Convert to a 1 or 0, as our 1 might not be in the one's place
21    bit_value = 0 if bit == 0 else 1
23    print(f"Bit position {bit_pos:2} is {bit_value} which is worth {bit:2}.")

To convert our decimal number to binary, we loop eight times, once for each bit 1. Regarding the line that does the decoding work 2, the number 1 in binary is 0000 0001. The << operator is a bit-shift operator, which shifts bits to the left. We’ll use << to pull the individual 1s and 0s out of our byte, so we know when to turn the electricity on or off.

Shifting Bits to Any Position within a Byte shows how you can use the bit-shift operator to shift a 1 to any spot within the eight-bit byte.

Listing 5 Shifting Bits to Any Position within a Byte#
1 << 0 = 0000 0001 = 1
1 << 1 = 0000 0010 = 2
1 << 2 = 0000 0100 = 4
1 << 3 = 0000 1000 = 8
1 << 4 = 0001 0000 = 16
1 << 5 = 0010 0000 = 32
1 << 6 = 0100 0000 = 64
1 << 7 = 1000 0000 = 128

The & in this decoding line is a bitwise and, which takes two binary numbers and compares them bit by bit. If both binary numbers have a 1 in the same spot or digit, the resulting number also has a 1 in that position. Otherwise, the result has a 0 in that location. For example, the number 122 is 0111 1010 in binary. The first bit, with bit_pos = 1, gives us (1 << bit_pos) = 0000 0001. From that, we substitute in and simplify: (1 << bit_pos) & number_to_encode and get 0000 0001 & 0111 1010. Then we do the &:

  0111 1010
& 0000 0001
  0000 0000 = 0

Second bit, with bit_pos = 2, gives us (1 << bit_pos) = 0000 0010. From that, we have 0000 00100 & 0111 1010:

  0111 1010
& 0000 0010
  0000 0010 = 2 (non-zero)

Third bit, with bit_pos = 3, gives us (1 << bit_pos) = 0000 0100:

  0111 1010
& 0000 0100
  0000 0000 = 0

Fourth bit, with bit_pos = 4, gives us (1 << bit_pos) = 0000 1000:

  0111 1010
& 0000 1000
  0000 1000 = 8 (non-zero)

and so on. Our encoding program will use this to turn on the LED for each 1 and turn it off for each 0.

Encoding a List of Values#

In our second example, we’ll encode a list, or array, of values. This is useful when we want to send text, because each letter in the text will be represented by a value. To store letters, computers map letters to numbers. Starting in 1963, computers used the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) to standardize which letters corresponded to which numbers. For backward compatibility, we still map the English set of characters to those same numbers according to that ASCII table (see Appendix A).

Computers can store numbers ready for computation or as individual characters (a string of characters) ready for display. If we store the number 12, we can simply use a byte with the number 12. We can also store numbers as individual ASCII characters. For 12, we have a 1, which is 49 in the table, and a 2, which is a 50 in the table. The first method works when we want to do math, the second when we want to display the number to the screen or save it to a file.

ASCII doesn’t support international languages well, since there’s no mapping of numbers to accented characters, Cyrillic, or Kanji. For those characters, we use the more complex Unicode Transformation Format, 8-bit (UTF-8) encoding that can have multiple bytes per character. UTF-8 is backward-compatible with ASCII, so we can still use the ASCII table for the standard English alphabet. By default, Python uses UTF-8 to encode strings. We’ll get around this with a byte array, which uses the simpler ASCII character mapping instead of UTF-8.

Now that you have a basic understanding of ASCII and UTF-8, let’s run, which encodes not just one value, but an array of values into binary ( Convert multiple letters into their binary representation.). This gets us another step closer to sending our own message.

Listing 6 Convert multiple letters into their binary representation.#
 1# How many bits should we encode. Usually 8, or some other multiple of 8
 2bits_to_encode = 8
 4# The b means this is a byte array.
 5# A byte array is different than a string. A letter in a string
 6# can be represented by multiple bytes. Here it can't. And this
 7# can have values other than letters if we really wanted.
 8byte_array = b'This is a message.\x00\x01\x02'
 9# byte_array = [i for i in range(32, 123)]
11# Loop through each byte in the array
12for my_byte in byte_array:
14    # Now pull each bit out of the letter.
15    # Start from bit 7, and count down to 0
16    for bit_pos in range(bits_to_encode - 1, -1, -1):
18        # Use bitwise and to pull out the bit we are interested in
19        bit = 1 << bit_pos & my_byte
20        # Convert to a 1 or 0, as the 1 may not be in the 1's place
21        bit_value = 0 if bit == 0 else 1
22        # Print, while staying on our current line.
23        print(bit_value, end="")
25    # Done with this letter. Go to the next line.
26    print(f" - {my_byte:3} - {chr(my_byte)}")

We’re going to encode the data b'This is a message.' stored in the variable byte_array (line 8) and send that as our message. The data starts with a b before the first quote, which tells the computer that the data will be a byte array stored as ASCII, as opposed to regular string stored as UTF-8.

When running the program, a for loop goes through the b'This is a message.' data. Each time through the loop, we pull out a new letter and store it in the my_byte variable. The first letter we pull out is the T, which maps to 84 in ASCII. The value of my_byte will be the ASCII value 84, and not the letter. This is different than iterating through a regular UTF-8 string in Python, which would save the letter in the variable instead of its value.

For each letter, we start the encoding by pulling out bit 7 and work our way down to 0 (line 16). We then use the bit operators (line 19) to convert the number to binary, the 1s and 0s that make up 84. At the end of the first loop, we’ve processed the T and will print out the binary value, the decimal value, and the ASCII letter:

01010100 - 84 – T

Then we loop through the rest of the letters, printing the following values:

01101000 - 104 - h
01101001 - 105 - i
01110011 - 115 - s
00100000 - 32 -

and so on.

If we want to take the ASCII value and covert it from a number to the character, we can do this with the character function chr( ). Calling chr(84) will return 'T', chr(85) returns 'U', and so forth. We do this in the final print statement (line 26) so that we can see both the ASCII value and the letter it corresponds with.

Encoding a Message with Multiple Bytes#

Now, you need to merge the program that blinks the two LEDs with the program that decodes our message into 1s and 0s. Rather than just blinking the LEDs on and off, we’ll blink one of the two LEDs according to the data in the message. We’ll turn that LED on when you have a 1, and off when you have a 0. This is the data line that turns on and off according to what data we have. The other LED is the clock line. It will turn on and off at a regular interval, just like a clock. At the exact time it turns on, the data line updates to on or off. When the clock line turns off, it is time for the receiver to read the data line.

Enter the code in Code that blinks LEDs according to the binary code of our message., in which we have merged our two programs:

Listing 7 Code that blinks LEDs according to the binary code of our message.#
 1# Import libraries
 2import time
 3import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
 5# Constants
 8SLEEP_TIME = 0.1
10# Set up our GPIO pins
16# Set up data
17done = False
18bits_in_a_byte = 8
19my_message = b'Hello World'
21# Loop through each byte of our message
22for my_byte in my_message:
24    # Show what we are encoding
25    print(f"{chr(my_byte)} = {my_byte:3} = ", end="")
27    # Loop for each bit of the byte, starting with the most
28    # significant bit 7, down to 0.
29    for bit_pos in range(bits_in_a_byte - 1, -1, -1):
31        # Next line is complicated.
32        # Use a single 1, and bit shift it with << to the
33        # spot we are interested in. Then use a bitwise and (&)
34        # and to see if that spot has a value.
35        # if bit pos = 6 then
36        #   1 << 6 = 0100 0000 = 64
37        # if my_byte = 'H' which ASCII 72 = 0100 1000 binary
38        # H      = 0100 1000
39        # 1 << 6 = 0100 0000
40        #          ---------
41        # &      = 0100 0000 = 64 (result of bit-wise 'and')
42        bit = (1 << bit_pos) & my_byte
44        # Make sure bit_value is a 1 or 0, not some power of 2.
45        bit_value = 0 if bit == 0 else 1
47        print(bit_value, end="")
49        # Turn the clock line on
50        GPIO.output(CLOCK_LINE_PIN, GPIO.HIGH)
52        # Turn the data line on/off depending on our data
53        if bit_value == 1:
54            GPIO.output(DATA_LINE_PIN, GPIO.HIGH)
55        else:
56            GPIO.output(DATA_LINE_PIN, GPIO.LOW)
58        # Wait
59        time.sleep(SLEEP_TIME)
61        # Turn the clock line off, signaling it is ok to read
62        # the data line now that we aren't changing it
63        GPIO.output(CLOCK_LINE_PIN, GPIO.LOW)
65        # Wait
66        time.sleep(SLEEP_TIME)
68    print()
70# Reset the pins

We define constants for the two GPIO pins we’ll be using (lines 5-8). The code to set them up is the same as the blinking LED example in Python program to blink the LED. Like the bit-shift example in Convert multiple letters into their binary representation., we set up the message to be transmitted (line 19). Then we loop through each letter (byte) in that message (line 22). For each letter, we start another loop that will loop eight times, one for each bit in the byte (line 29). We start at seven and go down to zero using bit-shifting, and we pull out if it there is a 1 or 0 in each location (line 42).

The clock is always set to a positive voltage (high) at this point (line 50). At the same time we set the data line to be either high or low depending on the data being sent (line 53). We then delay a little bit of time (line 59).

Next we set the clock line low 9. This is our signal to the receiver that it can read the data line, because we hold the data line steady. We don’t want to change the data line while the receiver is in the middle of reading it, as we don’t know if we’ll get a high or low value. You’ll read the bit from the data line every time the clock line goes from high to low, and the data line doesn’t change as shown in Fig. 29.

Serial Clock Line

Fig. 29 Encoding data with a serial clock line#

We use a clock line to keep track of when to read from the data line, because for fast data speeds and long messages, eventually one computer will start to drift and fall behind by a bit or two, especially if there’s a long string of 1s or 0s with no transitions. By sending a clock signal on another wire, the receiver can make sure the signal is synchronized with the sender’s clock.

For a video example of this step, see the video Physical Layer - Step 3 - Encode a Message. In the video, the green LED is the clock; the red LED blinks on for a 1 and off for a 0. The delay between each clock is 0.1 seconds, and each bit takes 0.2 seconds to transmit.

Step 4: Receive a Signal#

The next step to implement your own physical layer is to receive the signal you just created. Ideally, you’ll have another Raspberry Pi with another breakout board, but you can also use one Raspberry Pi to send on two pins while receiving on two other pins. Remember, you can open multiple terminals and run your send message program in one terminal and receive message program in another.

Send the Signal to a Raspberry Pi#

Take a second Raspberry Pi and GPIO breakout board and place them near your first Raspberry Pi breadboard (with the LED still connected). Next, connect the grounds together. The ground is the negative side of the power supply. To connect the grounds, run a wire from one of the blue lines on the 5V negative voltage of one board to one of the blue lines on the 5V negative voltage of the other board, as shown by the wire on the right side of Two Raspberry Pi Computers.

Two Raspberry Pi Computers

Fig. 30 Two Raspberry Pi Computers#

Tying two Raspberry Pi computers together. This diagram shows only the new connections, not the LEDs you should already have working.

Next, run the signal wire from the first board to the second. You’ll use pin 12 for the signal. Run a wire from pin 12 on one board to a 220 red-red-brown resistor, and then run a second wire from the resistor’s other leg to pin 12 on the other board (see the wires on the left side in Two Raspberry Pi Computers). Keep your blinking LED from Step 2 attached; it’ll help you see what’s happening.

If you have only one Raspberry Pi available, you can run a resistor between two pins, such as 12 and 18, and don’t worry about the tying the grounds together.

Signals with Polling#

With the Pis hooked up, let’s run some code to try the first steps receiving a signal. Run the program from Listing 2, adjusting the program so that it uses pin 12. On the receiving computer, read the wire by entering the code shown in Code to receive see if the data line is high or low at regular intervals.:

Listing 8 Code to receive see if the data line is high or low at regular intervals.#
 1import time
 2import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
 5TIME_DELAY = 0.25
10while True:
12    # Read from pin 12. We'll get a 0 or a 1.
13    result = GPIO.input(GPIO_CHANNEL)
15    if result:
16        # If true (1), then print high
17        print("High")
18    else:
19        # If false (0), then print low
20        print("Low")
22    # Wait a quarter second before we look again
23    time.sleep(TIME_DELAY)

This code loops forever (line 10). While looping, it reads from the input pin (line 13), waits 0.25 seconds (line 23), then loops again.

When you run the program, it should print out both High and Low, showing that it sees the changing signal. This code is polling, or periodically checking whether the value changes. Polling using the sleep function is unreliable, because you don’t know exactly when you should poll the line or when the message starts. If you poll too fast, you’ll read the same bit twice; too slow, and you’ll miss a bit. You’ll eventually use polling in combination with your clock line to get around this issue. Before doing that, however, you need another way to read a signal so we know exactly when the clock line changes between high and low.

Signals with Blocks#

Instead of polling, you can write a program that waits for the wire to change between High and Low, like Code that detects when the state of an input line changes.:

Listing 9 Code that detects when the state of an input line changes.#
 1import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
 9while True:
11    # Wait for pin 12 to go high
12    result = GPIO.wait_for_edge(GPIO_CHANNEL, GPIO.RISING)
13    print("High")
15    # Now wait for it to go low
16    result = GPIO.wait_for_edge(GPIO_CHANNEL, GPIO.FALLING)
17    print("Low") Code that detects when the state of an input line changes. is similar to Code to receive see if the data line is high or low at regular intervals., except instead of polling every 0.25 seconds, we use the wait_for_edge function to wait until we go from low to high (lines 11-13), and from high to low (lines 15-17).

This code is blocking, meaning the program does something only when there’s a change in state on the wire. When you run this code, you should see exactly one High or Low print each time the signal changes. If it doesn’t change at the same time as the sending computer, double-check the wiring. Occasionally a wire can break, so try swapping out wires as well. Make sure the pins you’ve set in the program are the same pins you wired together.

While polling has to keep checking the state of the signal line to see if there’s a change, blocking waits until a change occurs before doing anything. By blocking and waiting for a signal state to change, you can synchronize with the sender to properly read the message, unlike with polling. However, programs that utilize blocking can wait forever if there’s never a change to the signal. When a blocking call waits for network data, it halts the program and doesn’t process any user input, which can make the computer hang. The program does nothing until it gets input. Users can’t even quit the program; they can only end the program by forcibly killing the task or restarting the computer. You can improve on this code with a different technique.

Signals with Callbacks#

An even better option than blocking is using a callback, a function the computer runs when an event occurs, such as a change in state with our input line. To prevent the computer from hanging, as sometimes occurs with blocking, you can create a callback function. This way, rather than stopping and waiting for input, the computer immediately continues to the next line of code and continues executing. It will automatically call the callback function only once it has input. For example, see Using a callback to detect changes to an input line., in which you create a callback function:

Listing 10 Using a callback to detect changes to an input line.#
 1import time
 2import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
 6# This is a callback function that will be called whenever we have a high/low
 7# or low/high change in the signal.
 8def my_callback(channel):
 9    if GPIO.input(channel):
10        print(f"Channel {channel} is high.")
11    else:
12        print(f"Channel {channel} is low.")
14# Set pin 12 up for input
18# Now we have to 'register' the callback function so that the GPIO library
19# will call the function when the change occurs on pin 12.
20# GPIO.BOTH means it is called on both rising and falling changes.
21# Use GPIO.FALLING if you want it called for high to low
22# Use GPIO.RISING if you want it called low to high
23GPIO.add_event_detect(CLOCK_CHANNEL, GPIO.BOTH, callback=my_callback)
25# Now just wait forever.
27while True:
28    time.sleep(10)
29    print("Still running")

The callback function (line 8) is set up to read the current state of the pin (channel). The call to register the callback uses GPIO.BOTH (line 23), which triggers when the signal changes from high to low, or low to high. Once the callback is registered, the computer automatically calls the function when the state changes. We don’t have to keep checking on it. You can also use GPIO.FALLING to trigger only during high to low signal changes, or GPIO.RISING for low to high changes.

Because the computer doesn’t stop when a callback is registered (line 23), the code can’t end there. If there were no more code after registering the callback, the program would quit. Callbacks aren’t called if the program isn’t running, so you need the program to do something. As you don’t have anything to do except wait, create a loop to repeat forever (line 27) until you press CTRL-C or otherwise end the program. In a more complex program, you could use it to process other user input while the network activity happens in the background. Make sure this program works before moving on to the next step.

Step 5: Decode a Signal#

We can encode a message, send it, and receive the signal. Our next step in receiving the message is to convert it back to 1s and 0s. To do this, make the adjustments shown below in Decoding the received signal to 1s and 0s. to the prior program from Using a callback to detect changes to an input line..

Listing 11 Decoding the received signal to 1s and 0s.#
 1import time
 2import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
 8# This is a callback function that will be called whenever we have a high/low
 9# or low/high change in the signal.
10def my_callback(channel):
11    result = GPIO.input(DATA_CHANNEL)
12    if result:
13        print("1")
14    else:
15        print("0")
18# Set pin 12 up for input
23# Now we have to 'register' the callback function so that the GPIO library
24# will call the function when the change occurs on pin 12.
25# GPIO.BOTH means it is called on both rising and falling changes.
26# Use GPIO.FALLING if you want it called for high to low
27# Use GPIO.RISING if you want it called low to high
28GPIO.add_event_detect(CLOCK_CHANNEL, GPIO.FALLING, callback=my_callback)
30# Now just wait forever.
32while True:
33    time.sleep(10)
34    print("Still running")

This listing makes the following adjustments:

  1. (lines 4-5) Change the constants at the top and define the input lines for the clock and the data line. This example uses the same pin 12 as the prior examples for the clock line, and then adds yet another pin to carry the data on. You will need to run an additional wire between pins 23 on the boards for this second line.

  2. (lines 18-21) Set up both pins for input.

  3. (line 28) Read the clock line only if the clock is falling. Change the add_event_detect function so that instead of GPIO.BOTH, you use GPIO.FALLING.

  4. (lines 8-15) Change your callback. Instead of printing if the clock channel is high or low, poll the data channel. To read it, use something like result = GPIO.input(DATA_CHANNEL). If the data line is low, print 0; otherwise print 1.

Try adjusting the clock delay to see how fast you can receive data. For example, I was able to take the clock to 0.0001 and still reliably transmit data.

Next you’ll need a counter variable to print a line break every 8 bits. The counter variable needs to exist in the function and increase in value each time the function is called. But wait! Variables in a function are reset with each call, so you need a way around this.

Creating a Counter Variable#

Normally function variables don’t keep their value between calls. We can get around this by static function variables, which do exactly that. An example of creating a static variable is in Creating a counter using static function variables.:

Listing 12 Creating a counter using static function variables.#
1 def my_function():
2     # This will increase x
3     my_function.x += 1
5 my_function.x = 0

At the very end of the listing (line 5) we create the static function variable by defining the variable x while prepending that variable name with the function name, my_function. That line also sets the variable to an initial value of 0. Inside the function we again refer to the variable by prepending the function name (line 3) to it. By using the function as a namespace, you tie the variable to the function. The variable does not exist globally; this reduces the places it can be changed, makes it less error prone, and keeps its value between function calls.

In Listing 13, we use a variable called counter to track which bit we’re reading. The bits are numbered 0 to 7; after the eighth bit (numbered 7, as we started counting at 0), we go to the next line.

Listing 13 Using a static function variable to print <return> every 8 bits#
 1import time
 2import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
 8# This is a callback function that will be called whenever we have a high/low
 9# or low/high change in the signal.
10def my_callback(channel):
11    result = GPIO.input(DATA_CHANNEL)
12    if result:
13        print("1", end="")
14    else:
15        print("0", end="")
17    my_callback.counter += 1
18    if my_callback.counter > 7:
19        print()
20        my_callback.counter = 0
23my_callback.counter = 0
25# Set pin 12 up for input
30# Now we have to 'register' the callback function so that the GPIO library
31# will call the function when the change occurs on pin 12.
32# GPIO.BOTH means it is called on both rising and falling changes.
33# Use GPIO.FALLING if you want it called for high to low
34# Use GPIO.RISING if you want it called low to high
35GPIO.add_event_detect(CLOCK_CHANNEL, GPIO.FALLING, callback=my_callback)
37# Now just wait forever.
39while True:
40    time.sleep(10)
41    print("Still running")

You may need a small program that resets the state of the pins before you run your program to avoid getting an extra starting bit. It may also take some work to avoid adding an extra bit or dropping a bit when your program runs.

The Physical Layer - Decode a Signal video shows this code in action. One terminal shows the sending computer and the other shows the receiving.

Step 6: Convert Decoded Bits to Bytes#

Now you need to change your program so it decodes the individual bits into full bytes. Each byte is a letter that’s part of our message. You’ll need another static function variable to hold the result. Call it result_byte, as in Listing 3-12:

Listing 14 Decoding the received byte#
 1import time
 2import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
 8# This is a callback function that will be called whenever we have a high/low
 9# or low/high change in the signal.
10def my_callback(_channel):
11    result = GPIO.input(DATA_CHANNEL)
12    if result:
13        print("1", end="")
14        my_callback.result_byte += 1 << (7 - my_callback.counter)
15    else:
16        print("0", end="")
18    my_callback.counter += 1
19    if my_callback.counter > 7:
20        print(f" = {my_callback.result_byte} = {chr(my_callback.result_byte)}")
21        my_callback.counter = 0
22        my_callback.result_byte = 0
25my_callback.counter = 0
26my_callback.result_byte = 0
28# Set pin 12 up for input
33# Now we have to 'register' the callback function so that the GPIO library
34# will call the function when the change occurs on pin 12.
35# GPIO.BOTH means it is called on both rising and falling changes.
36# Use GPIO.FALLING if you want it called for high to low
37# Use GPIO.RISING if you want it called low to high
38GPIO.add_event_detect(CLOCK_CHANNEL, GPIO.FALLING, callback=my_callback)
40# Now just wait forever.
42while True:
43    time.sleep(60)
44    print("Still running")

If you receive a zero, do nothing. If you receive a one, shift it into place 1. For example, 1 << 3 would shift the one into the fourth bit position. (We start counting at zero, so the fourth bit is position 3.) Add that value to your result_byte. Print the bytes and confirm they match the bytes sent 2. Reset the counter and the result_byte.

Step 7: Manchester Encoding#

Sending and receiving messages with a clock line and a data line works efficiently enough to be used by protocols like I2C (we’ll learn about this in Chapters 4 and 5). However, we can improve on this method by using Manchester encoding, which doesn’t require a clock line, reducing the number of necessary wires by one. Manchester encoding also keeps the electricity switching directions, lessening signal loss and allowing us to transmit over longer distances. Listing 3-13 encodes a message back in Listing 15 to use Manchester encoding.

Listing 15 Decoding the received byte#
 2Manchester Encoding
 4Sends a message across a wire using Manchester Encoding.
 7import time
 8import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
10# Data channel to transmit on
13# Speed between transitions
14CLOCK_SPEED = .005
18# Setup the pins
22# Put the pin high so we have a known starting state, and
23# wait for a bit, so we know this isn't part of the message
25time.sleep(CLOCK_SPEED * 4)
28time.sleep(CLOCK_SPEED * 4)
30# The Message
31my_message = b'This is a secret message'
33# Loop through each letter/byte in the message
34for my_byte in my_message:
36    # Loop through each bit in the byte.
37    # Starting at 7 down to 0
38    for bit_pos in range(BITS_IN_A_BYTE - 1, -1, -1):
40        # Use a single 1, and bit shift it with << to the
41        # spot we are interested in. Then use a bitwise and (&)
42        # and to see if that spot has a value.
43        # if bit pos = 6 then
44        #   1 << 6 = 0100 0000 = 64
45        # if my_byte = 'H' which ASCII 72 = 0100 1000 binary
46        # H      = 0100 1000
47        # 1 << 6 = 0100 0000
48        #          ---------
49        # &      = 0100 0000 = 64 (result of bit-wise 'and')
50        bit = (1 << bit_pos) & my_byte
52        # A 1 could be 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128 position
53        if bit != 0:
54            # A one is represented by a low to high transition
55            # Go low, wait, go high, wait
56            GPIO.output(DATA_CHANNEL, GPIO.LOW)
57            time.sleep(CLOCK_SPEED)
58            print("1", end='')
59            GPIO.output(DATA_CHANNEL, GPIO.HIGH)
60            time.sleep(CLOCK_SPEED)
61        else:
62            # A zero is represented by a high to low transition
63            # Go high, wait, go low, wait
64            GPIO.output(DATA_CHANNEL, GPIO.HIGH)
65            time.sleep(CLOCK_SPEED)
66            print("0", end='')
67            GPIO.output(DATA_CHANNEL, GPIO.LOW)
68            time.sleep(CLOCK_SPEED)
70    # print(bit, end="")
71    print(f" - {my_byte:3} - {chr(my_byte)}")
73time.sleep(CLOCK_SPEED * 4)

To update your code for Manchester encoding, start by creating a variable for the CLOCK_SPEED (lines 13-14). You’ll send one bit for every two CLOCK_SPEED durations that pass. For example, if CLOCK_SPEED is 0.1 seconds, you’ll send a bit every 0.2 seconds. Set everything up and start with the clock low, then leave it high for at least four times the clock speed (lines 22-25). For example, if your clock is 0.1, then leave it high for at least 0.4 seconds. This pause will be the signal that you’re about to send a new set of data. If the bit you’re sending is a 1, start with the pin in a low state. Wait the duration of CLOCK_SPEED by using the time.sleep() function. Transition to a high state and wait for CLOCK_SPEED (lines 54-60). If the bit you’re sending is a 0, start with the pin in a high state. Wait the duration of CLOCK_SPEED. Transition to a low state and wait for CLOCK_SPEED (lines 62-68).

At the end of the program, we include a GPIO.cleanup() command (line 74). Although the command isn’t required, omitting it causes the Raspberry Pi to send a warning that the GPIO pin is already in use when you run your encoding program a second time. (The program will use the pin anyway, so you can ignore the warning if you like.) Running the cleanup will also stop the Raspberry Pi from supplying power to the pins and will reduce power consumption while protecting against accidental damage if the pin is connected straight to the ground causing a short-circuit. The disadvantage to issuing the cleanup command is that the Pi changes the GPIO pin’s voltage back to input mode. With the pin in input mode, the Pi no longer holds the voltage high or low. With the pin voltage not controlled, anything trying to listen to the pin can pick up random electrical noise, and your receiving program may receive false data from that noise.

Step 8: Manchester Decoding#

Now, we’ll write code so you can receive a message using Manchester encoding. Even if the data wave doesn’t transition because of a series of 0s or 1s, Manchester encoding will always transition at the data bit: high to low for a 0 and low to high for a 1, as shown back in Fig. 20 (see Manchester Encoding).

To write the code for decoding a Manchester signal, start with Listing 14 from Step 6, and create a program that does a callback when it detects a rising or falling edge (Listing 16):

Listing 16 Decoding a Manchester encoded message.#
 2Manchester Decoding
 4Receives a message sent by Manchester Encoding
 6import time
 7import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
10CLOCK_SPEED = .005
12def data_callback(channel):
14    # Get data line value
15    data_line = GPIO.input(GPIO_DATA_IN)
17    # Get time interval
18    cur_time = time.time()
19    time_interval = cur_time - data_callback.last_call
21    dl = "low->high" if data_line else "high->low"
22    print(f"  Change: {dl} Interval: {time_interval:.3f}")
24    data_callback.last_call = cur_time
26data_callback.last_call = time.time()
30GPIO.add_event_detect(GPIO_DATA_IN, GPIO.BOTH, callback=data_callback)
33while True:
34    time.sleep(10)

Create a variable with the same CLOCK_SPEED as the clock speed used in Step 6 (line 10). We’ll use this in Listing 17. Depending on the data we are transmitting, our transitions will happen every CLOCK_SPEED seconds, or CLOCK_SPEED \* 2 seconds.

Your program should also read the channel (line 15). Then create a variable that holds low->high when the channel is high, and holds high->low when the channel is low (line 21).

Calculate the time between transitions (lines 19 and 24). Print the time between transitions along with the transition from the prior step to verify what’s happening (line 22). As illustrated in Listing 13, the interval will be equal to either CLOCK_SPEED or CLOCK_SPEED times two. Every CLOCK_SPEED times two, you’ll always transition down for a 0 and up for a 1. Every CLOCK_SPEED, you may or may not transition up or down, depending on what’s needed to set up. Make sure your program prints the time interval out.

Once you’ve verified the intervals are correct, you can remove the line that prints the interval timing. With Manchester encoding, some—but not all—of the transitions represent bits. If the data line was held steady for two clock cycles, the next transition has to be a bit. Add code to check whether the line time interval was greater than 1.5 times the clock speed; if so, print the correct bit Listing 17:

Listing 17 Detect 0 or 1 transitions if the data line was high or low for about two clock cycles.#
 2Manchester Decoding
 4Receives a message sent by Manchester Encoding
 6import time
 7import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
10CLOCK_SPEED = .005
12def data_callback(channel):
14    # Get data line value
15    data_line = GPIO.input(GPIO_DATA_IN)
17    # Get time interval
18    cur_time = time.time()
19    time_interval = cur_time - data_callback.last_call
21    dl = "L->H" if data_line else "H->L"
22    print("  Change: {} Interval: {:.3f}".format(dl, time_interval))
24    if time_interval > CLOCK_SPEED + CLOCK_SPEED / 2:
25        if data_line == 0:
26            print("0")
27        else:
28            print("1")
30    data_callback.last_call = cur_time
32data_callback.last_call = time.time()
36GPIO.add_event_detect(GPIO_DATA_IN, GPIO.BOTH, callback=data_callback)
39while True:
40    time.sleep(10)

If the prior transition was not a data bit, we know the next one has to be, even if it has been only one clock cycle. We’ll track this with a static Boolean variable data_bit, as in Listing 3-16:

Listing 18 Manchester Decoding#
 2Manchester Decoding
 4Receives a message sent by Manchester Encoding
 6import time
 7import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
10CLOCK_SPEED = .005
12def data_callback(channel):
14    # Get data line value
15    data_line = GPIO.input(GPIO_DATA_IN)
17    # Get time interval
18    cur_time = time.time()
19    time_interval = cur_time - data_callback.last_call
21    dl = "L->H" if data_line else "H->L"
22    print("  Change: {} Interval: {:.3f}".format(dl, time_interval))
24    if time_interval > CLOCK_SPEED + CLOCK_SPEED / 2 or data_callback.data_bit:
25        data_callback.data_bit = False
26        if data_line == 0:
27            print("0")
28        else:
29            print("1")
30    else:
31        data_callback.data_bit = True
33    data_callback.last_call = cur_time
35data_callback.data_bit = False
36data_callback.last_call = time.time()
40GPIO.add_event_detect(GPIO_DATA_IN, GPIO.BOTH, callback=data_callback)
43while True:
44    time.sleep(10)

Once we have the data bits, grouping them into bytes uses the same process as the examples earlier in the chapter. See Listing 19

Listing 19 Manchester Decoding - Full working copy#
 2Manchester Decoding
 4Receives a message sent by Manchester Encoding
 6import time
 7import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
10CLOCK_SPEED = .005
13def data_callback(channel):
14    """
15    Called when we get a transition from low to high or high to low.
16    Registered by the GPIO.add_event_detect() call after this function.
17    """
18    # Get data line value
19    data_line = GPIO.input(GPIO_DATA_IN)
21    # Get time interval
22    cur_time = time.time()
23    time_interval = cur_time - data_callback.last_call
25    # If the interval is greater than three clock cycles, this must be a new message
26    if time_interval > CLOCK_SPEED * 3:
27        data_callback.data_bit = True
28        print("---")
30    # Is this transition a data bit?
31    # If data_bit is True, it is.
32    # If we waited at least 1.5 clock cycles, it has to be a data bit
33    elif time_interval > CLOCK_SPEED + CLOCK_SPEED / 2 or data_callback.data_bit:
34        # Next transition may or may not be a data bit.
35        data_callback.data_bit = False
37        # Is the line high (low to high)? If so, we have a 1.
38        if data_line != 0:
39            # Take a one, shift into proper place, add to our result
40            data_callback.my_byte += 1 << data_callback.bit_count
42        # Move our bit position down one. (7 down to 0)
43        data_callback.bit_count -= 1
44        # Have we received every bit?
45        if data_callback.bit_count == -1:
46            # Convert to character and print
47            my_char = chr(data_callback.my_byte)
48            print("Got: {:3} -> {}".format(data_callback.my_byte, my_char))
49            # Reset
50            data_callback.bit_count = 7
51            data_callback.my_byte = 0
52    else:
53        # Ok, if this wasn't a data transition, the next one has to be.
54        data_callback.data_bit = True
56    # Grab timestamp of this transition
57    data_callback.last_call = cur_time
60# --- Function variable
61# If true, next transition has to represent a bit. If false, it may or may not.
62data_callback.data_bit = False
63# Time stamp of the last transition
64data_callback.last_call = time.time()
65# Current bit we are on
66data_callback.bit_count = 7
67# Current byte, with all 8 bits
68data_callback.my_byte = 0
73# Register the data_callback function to be called if we detect a transition
74# in the data line.
75GPIO.add_event_detect(GPIO_DATA_IN, GPIO.BOTH, callback=data_callback)
78while True:
79    time.sleep(10)

Mini Projects#

There’s a lot more to the physical layer than just encoding 1s and 0s on a wire! Try these projects to learn more about controlling physical-layer networking signals.

Make Your Own Patch Cable#

Long cables with too much extra coiled wire make a mess, but if you can make your own patch cables, you can keep your connections tidy and run them exactly where you want them.

What You’ll Need#

  • Cat5, Cat5e, or Cat6 cable (you can cut up an old cable)

  • Two RJ45 crimp connectors

  • RJ45 crimp tool

  • RJ45 patch cable tester

  • RJ45 snagless boot (optional)

Fig. 31 shows the listed items.

Crimping supplies

Fig. 31 Crimping supplies, from left to right: crimper, RJ45 jack, snagless boot, Cat 5 cable#

You can find inexpensive versions of these online. The optional snagless boot helps keep the wire from bending too sharply at the plug’s insertion point to protect it from getting broken. It also protects the plastic tab on the plug from being snagged and broken off. It adds to the cost of the cable, but the cable should last longer if it moves around a lot.


Make sure the end of your cable is cleanly cut. Strip off the outer insulating cover by about the 3/4 of the length of your RJ45 connector (Fig. 32). Your crimp tool might have a place to insert the cable, with a blade that cuts only the outer cover when you rotate the cable.

Cut cable ready to be inserted

Fig. 32 Cut cable ready to be inserted#

If you’re using a snagless boot, put it on now.

Untwist the wires. From left to right with the tab pointed down, order the wires as follows:

  1. Orange striped

  2. Orange solid

  3. Green striped

  4. Blue solid

  5. Orange solid

  6. Green striped

  7. Blue solid

  8. Blue striped

  9. Green solid

  10. Brown striped

  11. Brown solid

This order follows the wiring standard T-568B. If you search for a wiring diagram, you might find T-568A, which has the orange-striped and green-striped wires swapped. The T-568B is typically the preferred and more up-to-date standard.

With the tab of the RJ45 connector pointed down, insert the wires in the proper order (Fig. 33). I suggest doing all the wires at once. With practice, you’ll be able to insert them rather quickly. If the outer insulator is correctly cut, the inside wires should reach the very end of the RJ45 connector, and enough of the outer insulator should be inside the end of the connector for the crimp to bite into it and secure the wire. Double check the ordering of the wires before crimping, because if they are out of order you’ll have to cut off the connector and start over.

Cable inserted into RJ45 connector

Fig. 33 Cable inserted into RJ45 connector#

Insert the connector into the crimper and squeeze (Fig. 34).

Squeeze the connector in the crimping tool

Fig. 34 Squeeze the connector in the crimping tool#

Repeat the previous steps with the other end of the Cat5 cable. The wire should not easily pull out of either side.

To test your connection, hook up the patch cable to a cable tester like the one in Fig. 35.

Test the cable

Fig. 35 Test the cable#

The cable tester should cycle through all eight wires and test them all positive. If the number 1 lights up on the sender, it should also light up on the receiver; this should be the same for all numbers, up to 8. If the receiver doesn’t light up, there’s no connection. If a different number lights up, some wires are swapped. It’s normal to have many failed attempts before getting the hang of putting on the connector Make sure all the wires are pushed in and you’ve crimped down on the connector really, really hard.

When all eight wires test positive, congratulations! You’ve created a patch cable of your own! You can now create custom-length cables cheaply.

Use Pulse Width Modulation to Control LEDs, Servos, and Motors#

Networking isn’t only about communicating between computers; you can also send signals to control robotics, motors, or lights. In this project, you’ll learn to control robots by having your Raspberry Pi control an LED, servo, and brushless motor using pulse width modulation (PWM), a common protocol that controls the brightness of LEDs, servo positions, or motor speeds.

What You’ll Need#

For this project, you’ll need a Raspberry Pi, a resistor, and an LED. In addition, you can try this with a servo, or even a combination of a brushless motor and electronic speed controller.

Controlling LED brightness#

First, let’s learn to control an LED so you can visually see what is happening. Learning to blink or dim a light is a great first step toward understanding and visualizing how the same concepts can be used to control motors and robotics.

To control an LED, hook up your Raspberry Pi the same way we did earlier in the chapter, in Fig. 28. Then, enter in the program in Listing 20, which will output a PWM signal. We’ll use this program to control both an LED and a servo:

Listing 20 Sending different PWM signals from the Raspberry Pi#
 1import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
 2import time
 4# Specify pin numbers by boadcom SOC channel
 7# Constants
 8gpio_channel = 17
 9pwm_frequency = 1
10duty_start = 0
11duty_end = 100
12time_gap = 2
13increment = 5
15# Set channel for output
16GPIO.setup(gpio_channel, GPIO.OUT)
18# Tell Pi to use channel for PWM
19p = GPIO.PWM(gpio_channel, pwm_frequency)
21# Start the PWM with our initial value
24# Cycle back and forth
25for i in range(10):
27    # Move counter-clockwise
28    for duty_cycle in range(duty_start, duty_end, increment):
29        p.ChangeDutyCycle(duty_cycle)
30        print("Duty cycle:", duty_cycle)
31        time.sleep(time_gap)
33        # Move clock-wise
34    for duty_cycle in range(duty_end, duty_start, -increment):
35        p.ChangeDutyCycle(duty_cycle)
36        print("Duty cycle:", duty_cycle)
37        time.sleep(time_gap)

This program defines a duty cycle range (lines 10-11) and a frequency (line 9). The duty cycle is a percentage from 0 to 100. The frequency is in Hertz (Hz). With pwm_frequency set to 1, the LED should blink about once every second. When the duty cycle is 0, the LED should always be off. When it’s set to 50, the LED should be on for half of the one-second cycle. When set to 100, the LED should be on for the entire cycle.

We then set our GPIO to output a PWM signal (line 19) at our desired frequency. Next, we set the duty (line 22). The first for loop (line 25) will cycle the duty frequency up and down 10 times. The first inside for loop (line 28) cycles it up, while the second one cycles it down (line 34).

You can turn the light on and off slowly enough to dim it, and fast enough so that your eyes blend the flashing together and it appears always on or off. Try changing the frequency constant to be high enough that you can dim the LED without seeing it flash.

Controlling Servos#

A servo is a robotic motor that lets you control precisely how far it rotates. Servos come in all sorts of sizes, as shown in Fig. 36. Unlike regular motors, servos typically don’t spin around more than once before having to spin back. You can make a little movable robotic arm by attaching the center motor shaft to a servo horn. These have holes for screws to make it easy to attach to other robotic parts.


Fig. 36 Different types of servo motors. Image from the Raspberry Pi Foundation, used under Creative Commons license#

Hooking up a servo is relatively easy. Servos are controlled with three wires, as shown in Fig. 37. One wire for positive power, one wire attached to the negative/ground, and one wire for our PWM signal. First, look up the servo’s specifications to see what voltage range it expects. Servos can typically run up to 6V with no problem.

Servo wiring

Fig. 37 Wiring a servo. Image from the Raspberry Pi Foundation, used under Creative Commons license#

Hook up the servo’s red wire to the positive end of a battery or power supply that matches the voltage.

Hook up the servo’s black wire to the negative end (ground) of the power supply. You need to tie together the ground of the power supply and the ground of the Raspberry Pi if you have a different power supply for both.

The orange or yellow wire is the PWM signal wire; it should go to pin 17, or whatever GPIO pin you’re using.


I’ve run very small servos off the Raspberry Pi’s 5V power pin on the GPIO board because I’m lazy, but it’s not designed to take the kind of current most servos use. Using this pin to power your servo can fault the computer or even destroy it.

After you’ve wired up your servo, you can write code that will cause the servo arm to move. Modify and add the following constants so the servo-control code will be easier to read and adjust (Listing 21):

Listing 21 Modified constants for
1# Constants
2gpio_channel = 17
3pwm_frequency = 100
4duty_start = 10
5duty_end = 25
6Time_gap = .1
7increment = 1

Servos usually expect a PWM frequency of 50Hz. However, the Raspberry Pi calculates frequency differently from what servos expect. There’s some complex math behind it, but the easy fix is specifying a pwm_frequency of 100 instead of the expected 50.

Servos have different specifications, so play around with the duty_start and duty_end variables. While you can specify values between 0 to 100, neither 0 nor 100 will work. To the servo, a 0 is the same as a signal wire that isn’t hooked up. 100 is a constant positive voltage, so the servo can’t tell that the line is pulsing at all. Values between 10 and 25 worked well for me.

The specifications for your servo and some math can tell you what range you should use. Listing 3-18 uses an increment of 1 4, which increments duty by one each loop. This produces a noticeable step on the servo. You can use smaller numbers like 0.5 for a smoother rotation.

However, Python’s range function supports only integers, so you’ll need to do a bit of additional programming and math to send smaller increments, like the code shown in Listing 22:

Listing 22 Working with a non-integer duty cycle#
1increment = 0.5
2duty = duty_start
3while duty < duty_end:
4    p.ChangeDutyCycle(duty_cycle)
5    print("Duty cycle:", duty_cycle)
6    time.sleep(time_gap)
7    duty += increment

This should allow you to use any increment, even if it isn’t an integer.

Controlling Motors#

We also can control electric motors with PWM. Computers use PWM to control how fast their fans run, RC cars or even full sized cars use PWM to control how fast they go. Electric motors usually fall into two types: brushed and brushless. Brushed motors are cheap to produce, simple, and inefficient. You can hook up a brushed motor directly to a battery and run it. You can control a brushed motor by computer with a control board. I recommend using brushless motors instead, as the cost difference isn’t too high. They’re very small, powerful, and efficient. They also don’t waste a lot of electricity like brushed motors do.

To operate a brushless electric motor, you need hook it up to an electronic speed controller (ESC), like the one shown in Fig. 38.

Electronic speed controller

Fig. 38 Electronic speed controller#

The ESC hooks up to your computer and takes a PWM signal like the servo. It essentially babysits the motor for you; when a computer sends the ESC a PWM signal, it monitors the motor and sends pulses of electricity to the motor at just the right time to make it spin at the proper speed. If you’re into remote control cars, planes, or helicopters, you’ve likely worked with ESCs already. If you have a small motor and an ESC sitting around, try controlling it with your Raspberry Pi.

Once you hook up your ESC, you can control the motor by changing the duty on the PWM signal. The higher duty percent of the PWM, the faster the motor will spin. You can control very small, or very powerful motors (even big enough for a full-sized electric car) by a using a computer like the Raspberry Pi.

Wiring an ESC

Fig. 39 Wiring an ESC#

One end of the ESC will have three wires that hook up to the brushless motor. The other end of the ESC will have five wires. Two larger outside wires connect to the power, red to red and black to black. There is a smaller red wire on the inside. See Fig. 39 for how to wire an ESC. For some projects, this wire can supply power to the computer, but don’t connect it to the Raspberry Pi or anything, as you’ll use the power supply that came with the Raspberry Pi to be safe. The white (or sometimes yellow) wire connects to the GPIO pin that has the PWM speed. The black wire connects to the computer’s ground.

What You Learned#

In this chapter, you learned how to work at the physical layer of the network. You communicated between computers by controlling the voltage on the Raspberry Pi’s GPIO pins with your own code, rather than having some pre-built network do it. You also learned how to create your own patch cables, and control lights, servos, and motors with a PWM signal.

In the next chapter, you’ll learn how networks extend the physical layer to send frames of data from one point to another. You’ll also become familiar with some of the most popular standards used to communicate over wired links, wireless, and fiber optics.