Projects: Networking Layer#

In Theory: Networking Layer, you learned about the networking layer, including how packets are routed and how the TCP/IP protocol works. The networking layer is the key between connecting a few computers in your home, and connecting with a world-wide network. The best way to understand the magic of the internet is to put some of this theory around the networking layer into practice.

In this chapter, you’ll learn to set the IP address, DNS info, and hostname on different types of computers. You’ll use example code to send and receive data packets between different computers, use Wireshark to capture those packets, and then adjust the program to see how a Layer 3 packet can fragment across multiple Layer 2 Ethernet frames.

You’ll learn to test your network response time and trace the computers and routers your packet goes through to reach its destination. You’ll examine the table of MAC to IP addresses your computer keeps, and use Wireshark to see the packet addressing. With tools commands already built into your computer you’ll examine the details of a DNS records like and see the address records that allow web mail delivery. You’ll also practice reverse DNS lookup to get a computer name from an IP address.

Every wonder who your computer is talking to in the background? You’ll learn the commands to find that out. You’ll scan a network and identify the connected computers and which networking services they have running.

Finally, you’ll trace the path your data takes across the internet. You’ll learn to look up ASNs to see what companies move your data. You’ll create graphs as to visually see how your data travels through the network and the companies that own each section.

Project: Finding the Layer 3 TCP/IP Information#

To create a network connection between computers, you need to know their IP addresses. The method you use depends on the operating system a computer is running.

On Windows, enter ipconfig on the command line. If you want even more information, you can type ipconfig /all, as shown in Listing 33:

Listing 33 Getting network information from a Windows computer#
 1C:\>ipconfig /all
 3Windows IP Configuration
 5   Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : MYCOMPUTER
 6   Primary Dns Suffix  . . . . . . . : local.example
 7   Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
 8   IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
 9   WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
10   DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . : local.example
12Ethernet adapter Ethernet:
14   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : sc.loc
15   Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (7) I219-V
16   Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-D8-61-33-8C-B9
17   DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
18   Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
19   Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::d177:2318:812e:9bb2%13(Preferred)
20   IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
21   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
22   Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Monday, September 30, 201921 8:20:14 AM
23   Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : SaturdayTuesday, October August 12, 201923 8:16:58 AM
24   Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
25   DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
26   DHCPv6 IAID . . . . . . . . . . . : 335599713
27   DHCPv6 Client DUID. . . . . . . . : 00-01-00-01-24-A3-AD-FE-00-D8-61-33-8C-B9
28   DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
30   NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled

The host name is your computer’s name and should be unique for your local domain (line 5). To find this on Linux/macOS, enter hostname, as it isn’t part of the ifconfig output. The Primary DNS Suffix is your local domain (line 6). If your hostname is my_computer and your domain is my_domain.example, your local domain is my_computer.my_domain_example. Type hostname -d on Linux/macOS to find your local domain. If nothing appears, it isn’t set. Later in the Project: Set Hostname section we’ll show you how to set it.

The MAC address, or Physical Address, is your six-byte layer 2 address (line 16). The IPv4 address is your four-byte Layer 3 IPv4 address (line 20), while IPv6 is your 16-byte address (line 27). The subnet mask is for IPv4 (line 21).

The DNS servers are those your computer will contact to find the IP address for a domain name (line 28). Lease obtained lets you know when you received your IP address from DHCP (line 22), and lease expired says when you’re due to get another IP address from your DHCP server (line 23).

On Linux and macOS, the equivalent command is ifconfig, as shown in Listing 34. You’ll need a couple more commands to get all the networking information. You can get the host name by typing hostname and you can get your DNS servers by typing cat /etc/resolv.conf on Linux and scutil --dns on macOS:

Listing 34 Getting network info from a Linux computer#
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ifconfig
eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        inet6 fe80::19de:e4c9:5bf1:9b3  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
        ether b8:27:eb:23:67:85  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 517377  bytes 65154536 (62.1 MiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 294  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 91823  bytes 11223652 (10.7 MiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by resolvconf
domain my.example
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ hostname

The second method on macOS and Linux is to enter ip addr show, which is the newer way to work with the networking adapters, but you might find the ifconfig output easier to read.

In addition to just listing information, these commands can also turn on and off your interfaces, temporarily set your IP address, and more.

Project: Set the IP Address#

You can set up computer networks to give out IP addresses automatically. This is great for wireless networks where devices come and go. However, for computers that serve or receive information (for example, web servers) you need to set a static, non-changing IP address. You can’t connect to a computer if you don’t know the address, and a constantly changing address makes this difficult. This project great if you are setting up your own web server, or even a server on your local home network. For example, I have a computer on my home network that controls the lights in my house. This section covers how to set your IP address manually in Windows, Linux, and macOS.


To access the settings for TCP/IP in Windows, open Control PanelNetwork and InternetNetwork and Sharing Center. See Fig. 71.

Network and sharing center

Fig. 71 Network and sharing center#

Under View Your Active Networks, click the active connection you want to change to open it. Once you open the network connection, you’ll get a dialog box shown on the left of Fig. 72.

Finding the Internet Protocol settings on a Windows computer

Fig. 72 Finding the Internet Protocol settings on a Windows computer#

Click Properties to open the properties dialog box, shown on the right side. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 on the Networking tab and then click Properties. When you open the IPv4 box, you should see field where you can set the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server, as shown in Fig. 73.

Setting Static IP and DNS

Fig. 73 Setting Static IP and DNS#

After setting the IP address, confirm that it has changed. You may need to reboot the computer for the changes to take effect. After you’ve completed this project, don’t forget to go back into your computer settings and switch it back to Obtain an IP Address Automatically so your computer goes back to normal.


There are many different types of Linux operating systems, and unfortunately, they don’t all set up a static IP address the same way. Your operating system’s official documentation will describe how to set the IP. If you’re using a Raspberry Pi, to set the IP address manually, edit the /etc/dhcpcd.conf file from the command line with the nano text editor and enter sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf. You need to edit only four lines. The rest of the file is mostly commented out lines to help you learn how it works. At the end of the file, you can add your network specifications.

First, specify the interface you want to set up, as shown in Listing 35:

Listing 35 Setting a static IP address with Linux#
interface eth0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=

The eth0 interface on the first line is for wired ethernet; for wireless, you would change it to wlan0. The next line specifies the IP address along with the netmask in the CIDR form (see Chapter 6). This example shows an IP address of with a netmask of (24 bits). The gateway/router is next, followed by the DNS to use. Google also maintains public DNSs at the addresses of and

Reboot the computer and confirm your changes went through using the steps you did in the prior project to check your IP address. After that, you should restore your computer to its original settings by removing those four lines from dhcpcd.conf.


To set the address on a Mac:

  1. From the Apple menu, select System Preferences.

  2. Select Network.

  3. Select your network interface, such as Ethernet or Wi-Fi.

  4. Click Advanced.

  5. Click TCP/IP.

  6. Select the option to configure IPv4 manually.

  7. Type in your IP address, mask, and router.

  8. Select the DNS tab to enter the DNS information.

Reboot the computer and confirm your changes went through. After that, remove the manual network settings so that your computer can go back to automatically setting itself up.

Project: Set Hostname#

Your hostname is the friendly text-name of your computer. This name is associated with the computer’s IP address. Rather than memorizing your IP address, you can instead use the hostname and the computer will look up the IP address for you. Each computer on your network should have a different hostname. Enter hostname on the command prompt to find your computer’s hostname. You might want to change your hostname. For example, my home computer is named DESKTOP-SE6D5FB. This isn’t easy to remember. I might instead want to call it DESKTOP-PAUL.


To change your hostname on Windows, open the Windows Control Panel. Select System and Security, then select System. If you are using Windows 11, they’ve made it easy to find. The option to change the computer’s name is via a button at the top titled Rename this PC. If you are using Windows 10 you’ll see details about the computer, and you’ll want to look for the section titled Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings. Under that will be as Change Settings button. After clicking that a new dialog will pop up and you can click Change at the bottom of it

You can then set the computer name. If you don’t have admin privileges on the computer (for example, if it is part of a school or work network), the network administrator may have the computer set up to prevent changing the name.


On Linux-based systems, the hostname is contained in two files: /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts. The first file sets the hostname, while the second maps the IP back to your hostname. Like before, you can edit from the command line using nano, with sudo nano /etc/hostname. Once updated, the change doesn’t take effect until you reboot the computer.

In addition to editing the host files manually, most Linux distributions also have a GUI you can use. In the case of the Raspberry Pi, click the Raspberry menu in the upper left and select PreferencesRaspberry Pi Configuration to access the configuration GUI for changing the hostname (Fig. 74 and Fig. 75).

Accessing Raspberry Pi Configuration

Fig. 74 Accessing Raspberry Pi Configuration#

Setting Raspberry Pi Configuration

Fig. 75 Setting Raspberry Pi Configuration#

The GUI is a lot more friendly to use, but what you see may change depending on the version of operating system you are using. Editing the text files has works for any version you are on.


The Mac requires three commands. Say your local domain is mydomain.example, and you want to change the computer name to newname. Open the Terminal program (under Utilities) and enter:

sudo scutil --set HostName newname.mydomain.example
sudo scutil --set LocalHostName newname.local
sudo scutil --set ComputerName newname

Then reboot your Mac.

Project: Send and Receive Datagrams#

The real purpose of a network is to send and receive data. How do you send data at Layer 3 so that it can pass across the internet? In this section, you’ll learn to send and receive TCP/IP datagrams—a basic type of Layer 3 packet for transferring data on a network. While most packets include additional information for Layer 4 functionality you’ll cover in Chapters 8 and 9, the datagram is simpler and a easier to get started with. However, unlike a Layer 2 data frame from Chapters 4 and 5, a datagram lets a person send data across the full internet, rather than be limited to one hop. With this project you can send datagrams between two computer on the internet, and it is a step towards being able to send longer streams of data and large files.


You can find the code listings throughout this chapter at

Send Datagram#

Sending a datagram in a Python program is a straightforward process. Listing 36 shows the necessary code:

Listing 36 Python program to send a datagram#
 1# Import the built-in library that manages network sockets
 2import socket
 4# Address of the target. Replace this with the address that you want.
 5destination_ip_address = ''
 7# Port to send the packet to.
 8destination_ip_port = 10000
10# Enter the data content of the UDP packet as an array of
11# bytes. That's why there is a 'b' in front of the string.
12packet_data = b'This is a test message.'
14# Initialize a network socket
15# AF_INET specifies this is IP
16# SOCK_DGRAM specifies that this is UDP
17s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 0)
19# Connect the socket. For UDP this doesn't send anything yet. It does say
20# that when we do send data, where will it go.
21s.connect((destination_ip_address, destination_ip_port))
23# Send the data.
26# Close the socket. Let someone else use it.

You first import a Python library called socket for working with the network. Next, you specify the address and the port that your datagram is going to travel to. Pay close attention to the destination address and destination port. You’ll need to change the destination address from, unless you are receiving and transmitting on the same computer. For the port, I arbitrarily picked 10,000. The port number that you send to should be the same as the port number you receive from.

Next, you need a message to send, and that data must be in an array of bytes. You’ll use a byte array to get a string of text that is limited to one byte per character (see Chapter 3) by putting a b before the quote that starts a string.

Then, you initialize a socket for the network connection; a socket is essentially a virtual plug where you will connect your data stream. The AF_NET means the code is using IP, and the SOCK_DGRAM means it will send using User Datagram Protocol (UDP). These are names that come from the early days of the internet before networking settled on using TCP/IP, so they may seem oddly named now. You’ll always use AF_NET, and in Chapter 9 we’ll show how stream packets instead of using datagrams. The next line of code sets up a variable to hold both the desired destination and port (lines 5 and 8).

Everything we have done so far is just setup. In the case of simple datagrams, no network data has been sent even when the connect command is done executing. Datagrams don’t build a connection and all the connect command does is tell the computer what address and port we’ll be sending the data to.

Finally, we send data with the send command, which causes the datagram to go out over the network. We close our socket with the s.close() command. Until we close it, the operating system keeps track of the socket, and holds onto those networking resources.

You can run this program to send the data to any computer you specify, even if that computer is not listening. You can use Wireshark, which we first used in Chapter 5, to capture and confirm the data is being sent. The next step is to write a program to receive the data.

Receive Datagram#

The whole point of computer networking is to send and receive data between devices. We can send sensor data, video shorts, status updates, thumbs up, and more. But sending data isn’t very useful without being able to receive it. How you write code that will grab the data we sent from the previous section? Code to receive data can be structured one of the following ways:

Blocking: Use a command to receive data. The program pauses and won’t continue until data is received. While this is the easiest to code, the program can’t do anything as it waits for the data, causing it to hang if it fails to receive anything.

Non-blocking: Use a command to receive data. Unlike blocking, if no data is available the command doesn’t wait. It returns immediately.

Time-out: Wait for a certain number of milliseconds for data. If there’s no data after a specified number of milliseconds, then time out and keep running. For example, the code could wait for a couple seconds for data, then give up if it doesn’t receive anything. This keeps the program from hanging.

Callback: Register a function that we write which will get called when we receive data. This is particularly popular in JavaScript.

Let’s cover the first two methods, as they are the most fundamental to understanding how the networking is happening. Using time outs isn’t very popular, but callbacks are very popular in web programming. Callbacks are created using non-blocking calls as a building block.


Blocking networking commands are the easiest to understand and get started coding with. Listing 37 shows receiving a datagram with blocking. To end the program, you’ll need to press CTRL-C or otherwise force it to terminate.

Listing 37 Receiving a datagram with blocking#
 1# Import the built-in library that manages network sockets
 2import socket
 5# What IP address do you want to listen on?
 6# This should be the IP address of the computer you are running this
 7# program on. You can use if you are connecting just to yourself.
 8listen_ip_address = ''
10# What port might the message come in on?
11listen_ip_port = 10000
13# How big might the message be?
14buffer_size = 66000
16# Create a networking socket to receive IP data (AF_INET)
17# of type datagram (SOCK_DGRAM)
18s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
20# "Bind" the socket to a particular IP address and port
21s.bind((listen_ip_address, listen_ip_port))
23while True:
24    # Receive our data
25    data, source = s.recvfrom(buffer_size)
26    # "source" is a list of two items, the IP and the port.
27    # Unpack the source into separate values.
28    source_address, source_port = source
29    print(f"From {source_address}:{source_port}: {data}")

Like, also has a spot for an address and port (lines 8 and 11). This should be the address of the computer that the code is running on. If you are running the sending and receiving on the same computer, you can use; otherwise, you’ll need to change it. The same address of the receiving computer should be used for both the sending and receiving code. Do not put the sending computer’s address here. Both the sending and the receiving program will have the receiving program’s address.

Next, the code sets up a buffer size (line 14). This will be the largest number of bytes that we can receive at once. Since a TCP/IP packet is limited to 64 kilobytes, it should comfortably fit inside 66,000 bytes. Our program then creates a socket (line 18). You then bind that socket so that it will start listening using our specified address and port. The program will error out if this is not our address, or if another program is using that port.

Finally, the code loops forever. Each time through the loop, it grabs data from the network (line 25) and prints it (line 29). The main problem with this code is that the program will block waiting for input (on line 25), not allowing your program to process anything else or react to user input.


For people familiar with how computers can use multiple treads to execute code simultaneously, a common question at his point is if a program could run blocking networking code in a different thread. The problem is that even threads are supposed to be shut down nicely when your program ends. You can’t shut down a thread if it is blocked waiting for input, so we still will need to learn about non-blocking network calls.


The code in Listing 38 is more complex, but unlike Listing 37 you can add additional code that will execute while we are waiting for information coming in on the network. It is also possible to stop listening to the network and end gracefully.

Listing 38 Receiving data without waiting for the network.#
 1# Import the built-in library that manages network sockets
 2import socket
 3import time
 5# What IP address do you want to listen on?
 6# This should be the IP address of the computer you are running this
 7# program on. You can use if you are connecting just to yourself.
 8listen_ip_address = ''
10# What port might the message come in on?
11listen_ip_port = 10000
13# How big might the message be?
14buffer_size = 66000
16# Create a networking socket to receive IP data (AF_INET)
17# of type datagram (SOCK_DGRAM)
18s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
20# "Bind" the socket to a particular IP address and port
21s.bind((listen_ip_address, listen_ip_port))
23# Set the socket to non-blocking. If we have no data, don't wait for it.
26while True:
27    try:
28        # Receive our data
29        data, source = s.recvfrom(buffer_size)
30        # "source" is a list of two items, the IP and the port.
31        # Unpack the source into separate values.
32        source_address, source_port = source
33        print(f"From {source_address}:{source_port}: {data}")
35    except BlockingIOError:
36        # We didn't get any data. Wait and then try again
37        time.sleep(0.1)

In this listing, we set the socket to non-blocking (line 24). Then, when we try to receive data (line 29). If there is no data, the code will throw a BlockingIOError exception. We can catch that exception (line 35) and continue processing. In a more advanced application, we might have code run our user interface. In this example, we just pause using Python’s sleep command. Don’t set up a loop to continually check for input with no pause, or the computer will use a lot of unnecessary CPU checking the network for data thousands of times per second.

Datagram Structure#

What exactly are we sending are receiving tin these examples? Back in Projects: Data-Link Layer, we introduced the program Wireshark. Fig. 76 shows a datagram created and sent by the send-datagram code in Listing 36 captured by Wireshark.

Selecting the UDP

Fig. 76 Selecting the UDP#

The protocol is listed as UDP. Let’s deconstruct the IP and UDP parts of the packet. Being able to “lift the hood” and inspect packets, plus see how your program makes the packets is important. It is just as important as being able to inspect and upgrade the engine of your car if you want it to go faster. These packets are what drives any network connection you have.

Internet Protocol#

After clicking the captured packet, Wireshark should show the details of the packet (see Fig. 77).

IP Version and Length

Fig. 77 IP Version and Length#

The window has a line for Internet Protocol Version 4; clicking it should highlight the IP portion of the data. In Fig. 77, the first byte of the IP portion is 0x45, which holds two pieces of data. The first four bits represent the version of TCP/IP used (TCPv4) and the next four bits say how long the header is (20 bytes). Note that this is length of the header, not the entire message.

Next are fields for prioritizing traffic. Differentiated services allow some packets to take priority over others. For example, video might be prioritized over web requests, so video can keep streaming without skips. They aren’t used in this case, so they are all left at zero (Fig. 78).

Differentiated Services

Fig. 78 Differentiated Services#

Fig. 79 shows the total length of the IP portion of the packet is 51 bytes (0x33 in hexadecimal). This does not include the extra data added as part of the Ethernet frame. This allows us to separate what is part of the Layer 2 Ethernet protocol and what is part of the Layer 3 Internet Protocol.

Packet Length

Fig. 79 Packet Length#

Next is a packet ID field, shown in Fig. 80, which is used if a packet is fragmented so it can be reassembled based on the ID. It doesn’t have much use otherwise. While TCP/IP packets can be large, we often try to keep them small so that fragmentation does not occur. Because the TCP protocol can split data up into small parts, there is no need to do it again at Layer 2. Doing it twice is inefficient and slow. Therefore we try to keep packets small enough it only happens once.

Identification Field

Fig. 80 Identification Field#

In Fig. 81, the Fragment field is set to Don’t Fragment, which tells the network not to fragment this datagram into parts. Therefore, if this datagram has more data than one Layer 2 data frame can hold, the datagram will be dropped and not routed (rather than be broken into parts).

Identification Field

Fig. 81 Fragment Field#

The Time to Live (TTL) starts by default at 64. Each time the datagram makes a hop on the network, the TTL field subtracts 1 as shown in Fig. 82. When it hits 0, the packet is dropped. This keeps the system from endlessly forwarding the packet.

Time to Live

Fig. 82 Time to Live#

The next byte, Protocol, says that this is a UDP packet (Fig. 83).


Fig. 83 Protocol#

The header checksum (Fig. 84) is an additional two bytes of data used by the networking layer to ensure the header is valid and the data hasn’t been corrupted.

Header Checksum

Fig. 84 Header Checksum#

By default, Wireshark doesn’t validate that the checksum is correct; this can be changed in the Wireshark preferences window, under Protocols and IPv4. Corrupted packets will be dropped by the networking layer.

Next up, the source IP address appears in hex, as shown in Fig. 85.

Source IP Address

Fig. 85 Source IP Address#

The destination is highlighted in Fig. 86.

Source IP Address

Fig. 86 Destination IP Address#

Those four bytes are the key for routing this data to its final destination across the entire internet.

User Datagram Protocol#

Now that we’re done with the IP part of the packet, we can move on to the UDP part.

The first field in the UDP is the networking port that sent the data (Fig. 87).

Source Port

Fig. 87 Source Port#

This is an ephemeral, randomly opened port somewhere between 1025 to 65,535. Return traffic goes here for connection-based protocols. In this case, UDP is connectionless so it doesn’t expect return traffic. However for consistency with other protocols it is still filled in.

Next is the destination port number (Fig. 88), which was selected in the send-datagram program from Listing 36 with the variable destination_ip_port.

Destination Port

Fig. 88 Destination Port#

The receiving computer needs to have a program listening to the port to pick up the data, as we did in Listing 37 with listen_ip_port.

The length of the UDP portion of this packet (Fig. 89); the number displayed in this field does not include the length of the Ethernet frame header or IP packet header.

UDP Length

Fig. 89 UDP Length#

To ensure the data isn’t corrupted, you’ll use a checksum. Two bytes are dedicated to that, as shown in Fig. 90.


Fig. 90 Checksum#

Finally, you get to see the data in Fig. 91.


Fig. 91 Data#

As our data is not encrypted, you can see it in clear text right in Wireshark. This is why encrypting sensitive data is important.

Project: Use Basic Networking Tools to Gather Information#

Networking tools can help you understand how your network is put together and debug why things aren’t working right. Common tools include ping, getmac, arp, nslookup, and whois.


The ping command is used to see if you can connect to another server, and how long it takes to get a response. Ping sends an ICMP packet to a server and times how long until it gets a response. The format is a little different between Windows and Linux/macOS. The official Windows documentation for ping is available here:

Documentation for the Linux version of ping can be found at

On Windows, the command below sets the number of packets to send with the -n option, and this example sends them to

ping -n 10

On Linux and macOS, the command uses -c instead of -n:

ping -c 10

You’ll get a response like this:

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=17ms TTL=118
Reply from bytes=32 time=16ms TTL=118
Reply from bytes=32 time=16ms TTL=118
Reply from bytes=32 time=16ms TTL=118
Reply from bytes=32 time=16ms TTL=118
Reply from bytes=32 time=16ms TTL=118
Reply from bytes=32 time=16ms TTL=118
Reply from bytes=32 time=16ms TTL=118
Reply from bytes=32 time=16ms TTL=118
Reply from bytes=32 time=16ms TTL=118

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 10, Received = 10, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 16ms, Maximum = 17ms, Average = 16ms

From this I can tell which IP address I am connecting to, that all my data arrived and was sent back successfully, and it took about 16ms for that to happen. If I can’t connect to another computer, the ping command is the first thing I try.

Keep in mind that if congestion occurs, the ICMP packets like those ping sends are the first to get dropped. Some computers are set up to automatically drop ping requests, so dropped ping packets don’t always mean a connection is down.


To quickly get your MAC address on Windows machines, getmac will list out all MAC addresses the machine has. It is a quicker, smaller list than ipconfig provides.


You can use arp to view your computer’s table of IP to MAC addresses. On macOS and Linux, type arp at the command prompt. On Windows, use arp -a at the command prompt. You can even add and remove entries manually, if you feel the need to do so.


If you have a DNS address and want its associated IP address, use the nslookup command on a command prompt. If you are on a Linux machine that doesn’t recognize nslookup as a command, you may need to install a package that has it. For Raspberry Pi, type:

sudo apt-get install dnsutils

An example of using the command is as follows:


Notice the trailing period. If you don’t put this period on the address, nslookup will first append your local domain. In my case, I’ve got a local domain of home, so doing an nslookup without the trailing period will first query When that fails, it will fall back and look up The output from this command might look like:


Non-authoritative answer:

The first item, Server, refers to the server that looked up the IP addresses, which is the local DNS server (not the IP address of the local DNS server). Non-authoritative answer means that the local DNS server is not the nameserver that is the authority for It’s passing us the information second-hand because it needed to go and look up the info. Finally, the IP address for the domain is listed.

In the case above, four IP addresses are listed; the computer could connect to any of them. A one-to-one mapping of domains to IP addresses doesn’t always happen. If my web browser can’t connect with the first address, it can try connecting with the next address on the list. The administrator of a DNS record can set it up for round-robin where the server will give out one IP, then the next, and continue until it wraps around. This helps distribute load across multiple servers. An administrator can also use geolocation to give out one IP address in Europe and a different IP in North America, so that client computers can connect to a close resource for faster response times.

Multiple types of records can be stored in a domain name system. For example, an MX record type holds the IP address for a computer that can receive email destined for a domain. You can use an interactive session with the nslookup command to get more information, like so:

  1. Type nslookup to enter the interactive mode of nslookup.

  2. When a > prompt appears, enter set type=mx to look for MX (mail) records.

  3. Enter the domain you want to look up, like

  4. When done, type exit to leave the interactive mode.

If you get a time-out looking up a record, try again.

You can sometimes reverse lookup an IP address and get a domain by typing nslookup

This version of the command will try to find a domain address to match that IP. For example:


In this example, notice that it didn’t send back, which is the name used to look up that IP address! There can be multiple domains associated with a single IP address, just as there can be multiple IP addresses per domain. We just get back the first one nslookup found. Reverse look up is a bit flaky, so don’t be too concerned if you don’t get anything back. Just try a different IP.


On Linux and macOS, you can sometimes find who owns a domain with the whois command. For example:

whois my-domain.example

Often the real information is hidden to prevent people from spamming site owners. There are also many websites that let you use online lookups to get an idea who owns a domain; I happen to like this one from MxToolbox: There are a lot of cases where this is useful, such as allowing a person to find the current owner of a network domain if they are receiving a lot of spam e-mail from it.

Tutorial: Netstat#

The netstat program shows how the system determines which program receives data. On my work computer, I have programs like Google Drive, the file browser (which can look at network drives), Microsoft Outlook, Moba XTerm, SourceTree, and Steam. Each of these programs is listening to a different port, and netstat shows you which program is listening to which port.

To see the current network connections on your machine, run the netstat command. The output can be long and a bit confusing because it includes local loopback connections, which is your computer connecting to itself.

Type netstat -? to see command line options for netstat. Some of my favorite options on Windows are:

  • Show how many bytes sent/received by the computer since start: netstat -e

  • Show what process created each network connection (requires you to be in a command prompt run as administrator): netstat -b

  • On Linux, you can enter netstat --tcp to filter the output to show only TCP/IP connections.

Listing 39 shows a shortened list of what my computer displayed from the netstat command:

Listing 39 Output of the netstat command#
 1C:\>netstat -b
 3Active Connections
 5  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State
 6  TCP      ord30s25-in-f10:https  CLOSE_WAIT [googledrivesync.exe]
 7  TCP      ord30s25-in-f205:https CLOSE_WAIT [googledrivesync.exe]
 8  TCP      fileserve:microsoft-ds ESTABLISHED Can not / obtain ownership information
 9  TCP   ESTABLISHED [Steam.exe]
10  TCP      jd-in-f125:5222        ESTABLISHED [Explorer.EXE]
11  TCP      65-52-108-208:https    ESTABLISHED / ShellHWDetection
12 [svchost.exe]
14  TCP    ESTABLISHED [CompanionApp.exe]
15  TCP      ord36s04-in-f10:https  CLOSE_WAIT [motty.exe]
16  TCP      cs:ssh                 ESTABLISHED [MobaXterm.exe]
17  TCP      bitbucket:ssh          TIME_WAIT
18  TCP         cvr1834b:65001         ESTABLISHED [NvStreamNetworkService.exe]
19  TCP         cvr1834b:65121         ESTABLISHED [XWin_MobaX.exe]
20  TCP         cvr1834b:65122         ESTABLISHED

I can see that Google Drive is using port 15319, and that connection is waiting to be closed (line 6). My computer is using a network drive (line 8). I have Steam running in the background, and connected to their servers (line 9). Microsoft Outlook is keeping an eye on incoming email (line 13).

The Mac implementation of netstat isn’t that great, but macOS has a command called lsof to list open files. Network connections are treated like files, so you can show open network connections with lsof -i.

Tutorial: Scan a Network with Nmap#

Nmap scans computers for open ports, which is very useful in securing an individual computer and even auditing an entire network.

You can install nmap on most Linux computers by typing: sudo apt-get install nmap zenmap. Download and install it for Windows and macOS from

You can scan a single computer by using the nmap command and the computer’s IP address. For example, if you have a computer with the IP address of you can scan it with nmap

Nmap has a lot of options for scanning, such as a fast scan to determine what computers or devices are attached and a slow scan that checks every single networking port on a computer. It can also look at the responses to try to figure out the computer’s operating system.

You can scan a range of addresses with the CIDR form to identify what computers are connected to a network. The nmap command does a scan of to

The output lists any open port, and the service that may be running on that port:

Starting Nmap 7.40 ( ) at 2019-02-24 14:41 CST
Nmap scan report for DeviceDHCP.Home (
Host is up (0.019s latency).
Not shown: 994 closed ports
21/tcp   filtered ftp
22/tcp   filtered ssh
23/tcp   filtered telnet
80/tcp   open     http
443/tcp  open     https
5431/tcp open     park-agent

The example above shows that the computer (my gateway) is up and is receiving data on open ports 80, 443, and 5431. If Nmap tries connecting to a port, and the computer responds back that a connection isn’t possible, the port is considered closed. Closed ports aren’t listed. Ports 21, 22, and 23 are filtered, meaning we aren’t getting any response. It’s possible filtered ports are open, but a firewall is dropping the connection requests before they get there.

Certain ports are tied to certain services. Nmap lists the common service on each of those ports. For example, SSH normally runs on port 22. If port 22 is open, I can try to connect to the port with SSH. In the example, 80 and 443 are open; this likely means a web server is running, and I can try to connect to it with a web browse by typing the address in the address bar. Port 53 would indicate I can use the node as a domain name server.

To quickly see what computers are on the network, you can do a fast ping scan with -sn, which skips scanning ports to check if a computer is up. The command below will scan all computers from to to see what computers are on the network:

nmap -sn

The -sV command won’t just see what ports are open, but will also try to guess what software and what version that software is running. This can take a while even for just one machine! Scanning a whole network this way would be a test of patience.

nmap -sV -O

Nmap also has a GUI called Zenmap. Sometimes a command line works best, and sometimes it’s more convenient to run Nmap from a point-and-click GUI. The command line option is great when you want to quickly run an exact scan because all the parameters are listed as part of the command; if you want to include it as part of a script; or if you want to use the output as input to another program. The GUI is better when you want to explore and click an interface that shows different options, without trying to memorize or look up them up.

Project: Capturing and Processing Output#

Command line tools make it easy to capture the output. We can save the output in a log file to track changes over time, and can send the output of one command into another command to further refine our results.

For example, we can capture output from Nmap in a text file and have a log of which computers are up and running on a local subnet. To redirect output from a Nmap scan to a file, add the greater-than sign (>) to the nmap command. The nmap > scan1.txt command redirects the output from nmap to a file called scan1.txt.

To redirect output to another command, use the pipe symbol by hitting SHIFT-\.

On most Linux distributions, the grep command can search for not only specific text, but also text patterns such as phone numbers and email addresses. You can filter the output to just the important parts. For example, the following command runs ifconfig and shows only the lines that have inet and a space:

ifconfig \| grep "inet "

By piping the output from ping to grep, you can pull out the timings and save the output to a text file that you can use for graphing. We can save that information to a file we can later create a graph with the following command:

ping -c 20 \| grep -o "[0-9]*\\.[0-9] " > data.txt

If you want to learn more about how regular expressions work, the best way is through an interactive tutorial. I highly recommend RegexOne:

Project: Lookup ASNs#

As discussed in Chapter 6, the internet routes traffic between large networks, each of which has an Autonomous System Number (ASN). You can look up an ASN by first finding your public IP address. This likely isn’t your machine IP address. You can go to the following page to get your public IP address:

Visit to use MXToolbox; plug in your IP address and select ASN Lookup.

Next, find the ASNs of several other websites you are interested in. To do this, first enter the website server name in the MXToolbox and select DNS Lookup. Copy the IP address from the DNS lookup and paste it back into the lookup field. Then select ASN Lookup.

Now you can look up the ASN you are on as well as other computers. What companies handle your data when you connect to another machine? To know that, we need to know what path the data takes. We can find that out by doing a traceroute.

Project: Trace Data Across the Internet#

To trace the route your data takes over the network, use the traceroute command. On macOS and Linux, this command is traceroute; on Windows, tracert. By understanding the hops from one computer to another, we can get insight into why some connections are faster than others, where data might get lost, what companies are moving our data, and the structure of how the internet is put together.

Traceroute constructs a packet with a short TTL value, starting with one. The packet goes one hop, then expires. That node sends a negative acknowledgement (NACK) packet back saying that your packet didn’t make it. You can identify the computer that made the NACK and assume it is one hop out. Then you repeat the process with a TTL of two.

The process isn’t perfect. Some nodes will destroy a packet when the TTL times out, but not send a NACK back. These nodes will show up as an * on the traceroute. You know the nodes are there because the packet went away, but you don’t know what node did it.


At the school where I work, we have a router that will take TCP packets and rewrite the TTL so it looks like all packets magically reach their destination at four hops. Oddly enough, it doesn’t rewrite the TTL of ICMP packets. With this in mind, it can be a good idea to try a traceroute with both TCP and ICMP packets.

To use traceroute on Windows, type tracert followed by the IP address or DNS name of the computer you want to trace to. Listing 40 shows an example:

Listing 40 Output of the tracert command on Windows#
 3Tracing route to []
 4over a maximum of 30 hops:
 6     1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  DeviceDHCP.Home []
 7     2     3 ms     2 ms     3 ms
 8     3     2 ms     2 ms     2 ms []
 9     4     2 ms     2 ms     2 ms []
10     5     2 ms     2 ms     2 ms []
11     6     1 ms     2 ms     2 ms
12     7     7 ms     6 ms     7 ms []
13     8     6 ms     6 ms     7 ms []
14     9     7 ms     7 ms     7 ms []
15    10    13 ms    13 ms    13 ms []
16    11    30 ms    11 ms    10 ms []
17    12    13 ms    13 ms    13 ms

The trace shows that my packet first goes to my router at (line 6) and then hops to (line 7). Next you can see each hop as it heads to its final destination,, at (line 17). The computer runs the route three times, and shows how long it takes to get to that hop in three different columns. If the computer can, it does a reverse DNS lookup on each address, which helps you get an idea of what that node is. In Listing 40, the address is the same as the DNS address

On Linux or macOS, traceroute can be done with traceroute followed by the IP or DNS address. By default, traceroute runs differently on Windows vs. Linux systems, as Windows uses ICMP packets and Linux uses UDP packets. If running a traceroute isn’t working well with one type of packet, try the other type. You can run a packet trace with ICMP instead by using -I, which also requires admin privileges. The command looks like so:

sudo traceroute -I

With the Linux version of traceroute, adding the -A parameter will look up the ASN of each hop. Note there’s no valid ASN for a private subnet that sits behind a NAT. Listing 41 shows the output from a Linux traceroute that includes the ASN lookup:

Listing 41 Output of the traceroute command on Linux#
 1sudo traceroute -I -A
 2traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 3 1  DeviceDHCP.Home ( [AS198949]  2.157 ms  2.277 ms  2.339 ms
 4 2 ( [*]  5.050 ms  5.730 ms  6.165 ms
 5 3 ( [AS30169]  4.254 ms  4.737 ms  / 4.636 ms
 6 4 ( [AS30169]  3.554 ms  3.799 ms  / 3.750 ms
 7 5 ( [AS30169]  5.011 ms  5.173 ms  / 5.586 ms
 8 6 ( [AS13855/AS10464]  5.587 ms  2.918 ms  4.367 ms
 9 7 ( [AS7029/AS13855/AS10464]  9.222 / ms  9.468 ms  9.675 ms
10 8 ( [AS7029/AS13855/AS10464]  8.610 / ms  8.722 ms  9.115 ms
11 9 ( [AS7029/AS13855/AS10464]  9.718 / ms  10.117 ms  10.401 ms
1210 ( [AS7029/AS13855/AS10464]  / 16.015 ms  16.220 ms  16.307 ms
1311 ( [AS30159]  14.250 ms *  14.234 ms
1412 ( [AS54113]  14.096 ms  15.212 ms  18.032 ms

The first ASN shown is part of our local subnet, because it starts with 192.168.x.x (line 3). This isn’t a valid ASN, so we can ignore the result. The computer wasn’t able to look up the next ASN (line 4), but the following ASN (line 5) is AS30169.

Hurricane Electric Internet Services’s tool for looking up information on ASNs (at can be used to see what other ASNs are connected to the ASN you search for. It even shows graphs on how many other ASNs were hooked up to it in the past so you can see if that number has gotten larger or smaller over time. If this number is going up over time, we can see that the ASN is becoming a more capable hub for routing traffic.

Project: Traceroute Graphing#

The Python project scapy has a lot of tools for sending and receiving custom-built packets. Scapy is great for low-level hacking, security testing, and performance testing. The following commands set up the libraries scapy needs along with scapy itself:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-base whois python3 python3-pip
sudo apt-get install graphviz tcpdump
sudo pip3 install matplotlib pyx scapy

Once installed, create a Python program to do a traceroute as shown in Listing 42. To run this program, you have to run it as an administrator with sudo python3

Listing 42 Code that will generate a graph of how traffic to Google, YouTube, and Wikipedia travels to your computer#
 2Perform a traceroute using scapy
 3and create a graph from it.
 6from scapy.layers.inet import traceroute
 8# List of websites to trace
 9site_list = ["",
10             "",
11             ""]
13# Max number of hops to trace
14time_to_live = 30
16# This creates the trace using TCP packets
17# and outputs the text result to the screen
18res, unans = traceroute(site_list, maxttl=time_to_live)
20# Alternatively, if TCP doesn't work well, try
21# using ICMP packets.
22# res, unans = traceroute(site_list, maxttl=time_to_live, l4=ICMP())
24# Create a graph in SVG format
25res.graph(target="> traceroute_scapy.svg", type="svg")
27# Create a graph in PNG format
28res.graph(target="> traceroute_scapy.png", type="png")

Update the program to contain a list of websites you want to trace to. If you list more than one, you can see what paths they have in common and where the traffic splits off. The traceroute command runs the traceroute; if it doesn’t work well, try to use ICMP packets instead. Now that we have a traceroute, we can graph it with the res.graph command. Graphs can be in vector-graphics format (SVG), or can be saved as a raster-graphic image like PNG.

An example run of the code in Listing 42 is shown in Fig. 92.

Scapy graphical traceroute

Fig. 92 Scapy graphical traceroute#

Fig. 92 shows that all three websites take the same path through the first seven hops. There are boxes drawn around the nodes in each ASN. The nodes beginning with 199.66 all belong to AS30169. Once the traffic hits it finally splits into different locations.

What You Learned#

In this chapter, we’ve learned to write programs to send and receive packets over TCP/IP, and to capture, decode, and understand packets using Wireshark. You learned to use commands like ipconfig, netstat, and nmap to inspect open and in-use networking ports not only on your computer, but your entire network. Using trace-routes, we can see every hop our data takes as it travels across the internet, and even look up who owns and manages those hops.